(영문첨부有) 챨리초콜릿공장 자막파일 좀 만들어주세요


(영문첨부有) 챨리초콜릿공장 자막파일 좀 만들어주세요

1 올챙이카카오 0 3,580

00 :04 :15  This is a story of an ordinary little boy...
00 :04 :19  ...named Charlie Bucket.
00 :04 :22  He was not faster or strongeror more clever than other children.
00 :04 :29  His family was not richor powerful or well-connected.
00 :04 :34  In fact, they barely had enough to eat.
00 :04 :39  Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boyin the entire world.
00 :04 :43  He just didn't know it yet.
00 :05 :02  -Evening, Buckets.-Evening.
00 :05 :04  Hi, Dad.
00 :05 :08  Soup's almost ready, darling.
00 :05 :11  Don't suppose there's anythingextra to put in, love.
00 :05 :15  Oh, well. Nothing goes betterwith cabbage than cabbage.
00 :05 :22  Charlie...
00 :05 :24  ...I found something I think you'll like.
00 :05 :29  Charlie's father workedat the local toothpaste factory.
00 :05 :34  The hours were long,and the pay was terrible...
00 :05 :38  ... yet occasionally,there were unexpected surprises.
00 :05 :45  It' s exactly what I need.
00 :05 :48  What is it, Charlie?
00 :05 :56  Dad found it, just the piece I needed.
00 :05 :58  -What piece was it?-A head for Willy Wonka.
00 :06 :02  Well, how wonderful.
00 :06 :03  It's quite a likeness.
00 :06 :05  -You think so?-Think so?
00 :06 :07  I know so.
00 :06 :09  I saw Willy Wonkawith my own two eyes.
00 :06 :13  -I used to work for him, you know.-You did?
00 :06 :15  -I did.-He did.
00 :06 :17  He did.
00 :06 :18  I love grapes.
00 :06 :21  Of course, I was a muchyounger man in those days.
00 :06 :26  Willy Wonka began witha single store on Cherry Street.
00 :06 :31  But the whole world wanted his candy.
00 :06 :38  -Mr. Wonka.-Yeah?
00 :06 :40  We need more Wonka bars...
00 :06 :42  -...and we're out of chocolate birds.-Birds?
00 :06 :46  Birds.
00 :06 :48  Well, then we'll needto make some more. Here.
00 :06 :54  Now open.
00 :07 :00  The man was a genius.
00 :07 :03  Did you know he invented a new wayof making chocolate ice cream...
00 :07 :07  ...so that it stays cold for hourswithout a freezer?
00 :07 :11  You can even leave it lying in the sunon a hot day, and it won't go runny.
00 :07 :17  -But that's impossible.-But Willy Wonka did it.
00 :07 :23  Before long...
00 :07 :25  ...he decided to builda proper chocolate factory.
00 :07 :28  The largest chocolate factory in history.
00 :07 :31  Fifty times as big as any other.
00 :07 :54  Grandpa, don't make it gross.
00 :07 :56  Tell him about the lndian prince.He'd like to hear about that.
00 :08 :01  You mean, Prince Pondicherry?
00 :08 :04  Well, Prince Pondicherrywrote a letter to Mr. Wonka...
00 :08 :08  ...and asked him to comeall the way out to lndia...
00 :08 :11  ...and build him a colossal palaceentirely out of chocolate.
00 :08 :21  It will have 1 00 rooms, and everything willbe made of either dark or light chocolate.
00 :08 :28  True to his word,the bricks were chocolate...
00 :08 :32  ...and the cement holdingthem together was chocolate.
00 :08 :35  All the walls and ceilingswere made of chocolate as well.
00 :08 :40  So were the carpetsand the pictures and the furniture.
00 :08 :43  It is perfect in every way.
00 :08 :47  Yeah, but it won't last long.You better start eating right now.
00 :08 :50  Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace.
00 :08 :54  I intend to live in it.
00 :09 :00  But Mr. Wonka was right, of course.
00 :09 :03  Soon after this, there camea very hot day with a boiling sun.
00 :09 :44  The prince sent an urgent telegramrequesting a new palace...
00 :09 :49  ...but Willy Wonka was facingproblems of his own.
00 :09 :54  All the other chocolate makers, you see,had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka.
00 :09 :59  They began sending in spiesto steal his secret recipes.
00 :10 :32  Fickelgruber started makingan ice cream that would never melt.
00 :10 :36  Prodnose came out with a chewing gumthat never lost its flavor.
00 :10 :41  Then Slugworthbegan making candy balloons...
00 :10 :43  ...that you could blow upto incredible sizes.
00 :10 :47  The thievery got so bad...
00 :10 :50  ... that one day, without warning...
00 :10 :52  ...Mr. Wonka told every single oneof his workers to go home.
00 :10 :57  He announced that he was closinghis chocolate factory forever.
00 :11 :02  I'm closing my chocolate factory forever.
00 :11 :06  I'm sorry.
00 :11 :24  But it didn't close forever.It's open right now.
00 :11 :27  Yes, well, sometimes when grownups say"forever," they mean "a very long time."
00 :11 :32  Such as, " I feel like I've eatennothing but cabbage soup forever."
00 :11 :36  -Now, Pops.-The factory did close, Charlie.
00 :11 :40  And it seemed like it wasgoing to be closed forever.
00 :11 :44  Then one day we saw smokerising from the chimneys.
00 :11 :49  -The factory was back in business.-Did you get your job back?
00 :11 :53  No.
00 :11 :55  No one did.
00 :12 :00  But there must be people working there.
00 :12 :02  Think about it, Charlie.Have you ever seen a single person...
00 :12 :06  ...going into that factoryor coming out of it?
00 :12 :10  No. The gates are always closed.
00 :12 :13  Exactly.
00 :12 :15  But then, who's running the machines?
00 :12 :18  -Nobody knows, Charlie.-lt certainly is a mystery.
00 :12 :21  Hasn't someone asked Mr. Wonka?
00 :12 :24  Nobody sees him anymore.He never comes out.
00 :12 :29  The only thing that comesout of that place is the candy...
00 :12 :33  ...already packed and addressed.
00 :12 :36  I'd give anything in the worldjust to go in one more time...
00 :12 :41  ...and see what's becomeof that amazing factory.
00 :12 :46  Well, you won't, because you can't.No one can.
00 :12 :50  It's a mystery,and it will always be a mystery.
00 :12 :55  That little factory of yours, Charlie,is as close as any of us is ever going to get.
00 :13 :01  Come on, Charlie. I think it's timewe let your grandparents get some sleep.
00 :13 :07  -Good night, Grandpa George.-Night, Charlie.
00 :13 :10  -Night-night.-Chair.
00 :13 :12  Thank you, dear.
00 :13 :16  Night, Grandpa Joe.
00 :13 :19  Good night, Grandma Georgina.
00 :13 :21  Nothing's impossible, Charlie.
00 :13 :42  -Good night.-Night, Charlie.
00 :13 :44  Sleep well.
00 :13 :56  Indeed, that very night, the impossiblehad already been set in motion.
00 :15 :03  Dear people of the world...
00 :15 :05  ...I, Willy Wonka...
00 :15 :07  ...have decided to allow five childrento visit my factory this year.
00 :15 :12  In addition, one of these childrenshall receive a special prize...
00 :15 :15  ...beyond anythingyou could ever imagine.
00 :15 :20  Five golden tickets have been hidden...
00 :15 :22  ...underneath the ordinary wrapping paperof five ordinary Wonka bars.
00 :15 :25  The bars may be anywhere...
00 :15 :28  ...in any shop, in any street, in anytown, in any country in the world.
00 :16 :08  Wouldn't it be something, Charlie,to open a bar of candy...
00 :16 :11  ...and find a golden ticket inside?
00 :16 :14  I know, but I only get one bar a year,for my birthday.
00 :16 :19  Well, it's your birthday next week.
00 :16 :21  You have as much chanceas anybody does.
00 :16 :24  Balderdash. The kids who aregoing to find the golden tickets...
00 :16 :27  ...are the ones who can affordto buy candy bars every day.
00 :16 :30  Our Charlie gets only one a year.He doesn't have a chance.
00 :16 :35  Everyone has a chance, Charlie.
00 :16 :38  Mark my words,the kid who finds the first ticket...
00 :16 :42  ...will be fat, fat, fat.
00 :16 :44  Augustus. This way.
00 :16 :51  I am eating the Wonka bar...
00 :16 :53  ...and I taste somethingthat is not chocolate...
00 :16 :58  ...or coconut...
00 :17 :00  ...or walnut or peanut butter...
00 :17 :03  ...or nougat...
00 :17 :05  ...or butter brittleor caramel or sprinkles.
00 :17 :11  So I look...
00 :17 :14  ...and I find the golden ticket.
00 :17 :16  Augustus, how did you celebrate?
00 :17 :19  I eat more candy.
00 :17 :24  We knew Augustus would findthe golden ticket.
00 :17 :28  He eats so many candy bars a day...
00 :17 :30  ...that it was not possiblefor him not to find one.
00 :17 :34  Yes, it is good, Augustus.
00 :17 :38  --golden ticket claimed and four more....
00 :17 :40  Told you it'd be a porker.
00 :17 :42  What a repulsive boy.
00 :17 :44  Only four golden tickets left.
00 :17 :46  Now that they've found one,things will really get crazy.
00 :17 :51  --of every shape, size and hue.
00 :17 :57  Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please?
00 :18 :00  V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt.
00 :18 :05  As soon as my little Veruca told me shehad to have one of these golden tickets...
00 :18 :09  ...I started buying all the Wonka barsI could lay my hands on.
00 :18 :12  Thousands of them.Hundreds of thousands.
00 :18 :16  I'm in the nut business, you see.So I say to my workers:
00 :18 :20  Morning, ladies. From now on,you can stop shelling peanuts...
00 :18 :23  ...and start shelling the wrappersoff these chocolate bars instead.
00 :18 :41  Three days went by, and we had no luck.Oh, it was terrible.
00 :18 :44  My Veruca got moreand more upset each day.
00 :18 :47  Where's my golden ticket?
00 :18 :48  I want my golden ticket.
00 :18 :52  Well, gentlemen, I just hated to seemy little girl feeling unhappy like that.
00 :18 :56  I vowed I would keep searchinguntil I could give her what she wanted.
00 :19 :01  And finally, I found her a ticket.
00 :19 :31  Daddy, I want another pony.
00 :19 :36  She's even worse than the fat boy.
00 :19 :39  I don't think that was really fair.She didn't find the ticket herself.
00 :19 :43  Don't worry about it, Charlie.That man spoils his daughter.
00 :19 :47  And no good ever comesfrom spoiling a child like that.
00 :19 :56  Charlie, Mum and I thought...
00 :20 :00  ...maybe you wanna openyour birthday present tonight.
00 :20 :09  Here you are.
00 :20 :23  Maybe I should wait till morning.
00 :20 :25  -Like hell.-Pop.
00 :20 :27  All together, we're 381 years old.We don't wait.
00 :20 :41  Now, Charlie,you mustn't feel too disappointed...
00 :20 :43  ...you know, if you don't get the....
00 :20 :46  Whatever happens,you'll still have the candy.
00 :21 :17  Ah, well.
00 :21 :19  That's that.
00 :21 :23  -We'll share it.-Oh, no, Charlie.
00 :21 :26  Not your birthday present.
00 :21 :28  It's my candy bar,and I'll do what I want with it.
00 :21 :38  Thank you, darling.
00 :21 :41  Thank you, Charlie.
00 :21 :47  Bless you.
00 :22 :14  All right, let's see who found it.
00 :22 :21  "The third ticket was foundby Miss Violet Beauregarde."
00 :22 :43  These are just some of the 263trophies and medals my Violet has won.
00 :22 :49  I'm a gum chewer mostly, but whenI heard about these ticket things...
00 :22 :52  ...I laid off the gum,switched to candy bars.
00 :22 :55  She's just a driven young woman.I don't know where she gets it.
00 :23 :00  I'm the Junior World ChampionGum Chewer.
00 :23 :03  This piece of gumI'm chewing right now...
00 :23 :05  ...I've been working on forthree months solid. That's a record.
00 :23 :09  Of course, I did have my shareof trophies, mostly baton.
00 :23 :14  So it says that one kid's gonna getthis special prize, better than all the rest.
00 :23 :19  I don't care who those other four are.That kid, it's gonna be me.
00 :23 :23  Tell them why, Violet.
00 :23 :24  Because I'm a winner.
00 :23 :26  What a beastly girl.
00 :23 :28  Despicable.
00 :23 :31  You don't knowwhat we're talking about.
00 :23 :35  Dragonflies?
00 :23 :37  But wait, this is just in.
00 :23 :38  The fourth golden ticket has been foundby a boy called Mike Teavee.
00 :23 :56  All you had to do was trackthe manufacturing dates...
00 :23 :59  ...offset by weatherand the derivative of the Nikkei lndex.
00 :24 :03  A retard could figure it out.
00 :24 :06  Most of the timeI don't know what he's talking about.
00 :24 :09  You know, kids these days,what with all the technology....
00 :24 :12  Die! Die! Die!
00 :24 :16  Doesn't seem likethey stay kids very long.
00 :24 :23  In the end,I only had to buy one candy bar.
00 :24 :26  -And how did it taste?-I don't know.
00 :24 :29  I hate chocolate.
00 :24 :30  Well, it's a good thing you're going toa chocolate factory, you ungrateful little--
00 :24 :45  That question is,who will be the winner of the last gold--?
00 :24 :55  -Dad?-Yes, Charlie?
00 :24 :57  Why aren't you at work?
00 :25 :00  Oh, well, the toothpaste factorythought they'd give me a bit of time off.
00 :25 :04  Like summer vacation?
00 :25 :06  Sure. Something like that.
00 :25 :12  In fact, it wasn't like a vacation at all.
00 :25 :17  The upswing in candy saleshad led to a rise in cavities...
00 :25 :21  ...which led to a rise in toothpaste sales.
00 :25 :29  With the extra money,the factory had decided to modernize...
00 :25 :33  ...eliminating Mr. Bucket's job.
00 :25 :42  We were barely makingends meet as it was.
00 :25 :45  You'll find another job.
00 :25 :47  Until then, I'll just-- Well, I'll justthin down the soup a little more.
00 :25 :53  Don't worry, Mr. Bucket,our luck will change.
00 :25 :57  I know it.
00 :26 :03  Charlie.
00 :26 :20  My secret hoard.
00 :26 :26  You and I are going to haveone more fling...
00 :26 :30  ...at finding that last ticket.
00 :26 :33  You sure you want to spendyour money on that?
00 :26 :35  Of course I'm sure. Here.
00 :26 :39  Run down to the nearest store...
00 :26 :42  ...and buy the firstWonka candy bar you see.
00 :26 :46  Bring it straight back,and we'll open it together.
00 :26 :58  Such a good boy, really.
00 :27 :02  Such a good....
00 :27 :05  Grandpa?
00 :27 :08  -You fell asleep.-Have you got it?
00 :27 :16  Which end should we open first?
00 :27 :18  Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid.
00 :27 :51  Did you see that some kid in Russiafound the last golden ticket?
00 :27 :54  Yes, it was in the paper this morning.
00 :27 :56  Good boy. Come on, George. Good boy.
00 :28 :52  One Wonka Whipple-ScrumptiousFudgemallow Delight, please.
00 :28 :55  Okay. Here you go.
00 :29 :03  The nerve of some people.
00 :29 :06  I know. Forging a ticket. Come on.
00 :29 :22  It's a golden ticket.
00 :29 :26  You found Wonka's last golden ticket.
00 :29 :30  In my shop too!
00 :29 :33  Listen. I'll buy it from you.I'll give you $50 and a new bicycle.
00 :29 :37  Are you crazy?I'd give him $500 for that ticket.
00 :29 :40  You wanna sell me your ticketfor $500, young man?
00 :29 :43  That's enough of that.Leave the kid alone.
00 :29 :46  Listen. Don't let anyone have it.Take it straight home, you understand?
00 :29 :52  Thank you.
00 :30 :01  Mom! Dad!
00 :30 :04  I found it!
00 :30 :06  The last golden ticket! It's mine!
00 :30 :31  Here.
00 :30 :33  Read it aloud.Let's hear exactly what it says.
00 :30 :37  "Greetings to you, the lucky finder ofthis golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka.
00 :30 :43  I shake you warmly by the hand. For now,I do invite you to come to my factory...
00 :30 :47  ...and be my guest for one whole day."
00 :30 :51  "l, Willy Wonka, will conduct youaround the factory myself...
00 :30 :54  ...showing you everythingthere is to see."
00 :30 :56  "Afterwards, when it is time to leave...
00 :30 :58  ...you will be escorted homeby a procession of large trucks...
00 :31 :02  ...each one filled with all the chocolateyou could ever eat."
00 :31 :05  "And remember, one of you luckyfive children will receive an extra prize...
00 :31 :10  ...beyond your wildest imagination.
00 :31 :13  Now, here are your instructions."
00 :31 :15  "On the 1 st of February, you must cometo the factory gates at 1 0 a.m. sharp.
00 :31 :19  You're allowed to bring one memberof your family to look after you.
00 :31 :23  Until then, Willy Wonka."
00 :31 :26  The 1 st of February.
00 :31 :28  -But that's tomorrow.-Then there's not a moment to lose.
00 :31 :31  Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub yourhands, brush your teeth, blow your nose.
00 :31 :35  -And get that mud off your pants.-Now we must all try and keep very calm.
00 :31 :39  First thing that we have to decide is this:Who is going with Charlie to the factory?
00 :31 :44  I will. I'll take him. You leave it to me.
00 :31 :47  How about you, dear?Don't you think you ought to go?
00 :31 :50  Well, Grandpa Joe seems to knowmore about it than we do, and....
00 :31 :56  Provided, of course,he feels well enough.
00 :32 :01  No. We're not going.
00 :32 :07  A woman offered me $500for the ticket.
00 :32 :10  I bet someone else would pay more.
00 :32 :13  We need the money morethan we need the chocolate.
00 :32 :25  Young man, come here.
00 :32 :31  There's plenty of money out there.
00 :32 :34  They print more every day.
00 :32 :37  But this ticket...
00 :32 :39  ...there's only five of themin the whole world...
00 :32 :43  ...and that's all there's ever going to be.
00 :32 :47  Only a dummy would give this upfor something as common as money.
00 :32 :52  Are you a dummy?
00 :32 :55  No, sir.
00 :32 :57  Then get that mud off your pants.You've got a factory to go to.
00 :33 :45  Daddy, I want to go in.
00 :33 :48  It's 9:59, sweetheart.
00 :33 :50  Make time go faster.
00 :33 :52  Do you think Mr. Wonkawill recognize you?
00 :33 :55  Hard to say. It's been years.
00 :34 :06  Eyes on the prize, Violet.
00 :34 :08  Eyes on the prize.
00 :34 :28  Please enter.
00 :34 :42  Come forward.
00 :34 :49  Close the gates.
00 :35 :00  Dear visitors...
00 :35 :02  ...it is my great pleasure to welcome youto my humble factory.
00 :35 :10  And who am I?
00 :35 :13  Well....
00 :35 :19  Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
00 :35 :21  The amazing chocolatier
00 :35 :23  Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
00 :35 :25  Everybody give a cheer!Hooray!
00 :35 :27  He's modest, clever and so smart
00 :35 :29  He barely can restrain it
00 :35 :31  With so much generosity
00 :35 :33  There is no way to contain it!
00 :35 :35  To contain itTo contain, to contain, to contain!
00 :35 :39  Hooray!
00 :35 :41  Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
00 :35 :43  He's the one that you're about to meet
00 :35 :45  Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
00 :35 :47  He's the genius who just can't be beat
00 :35 :49  The magician and the chocolate wiz
00 :35 :51  The best darn guy who ever lived
00 :35 :53  Willy Wonka, here he is!
00 :36 :17  The amazing chocolatier
00 :36 :31  Wasn't that just magnificent?
00 :36 :33  I was worried it was getting a little dodgyin the middle part, but then that finale....
00 :36 :42  Who are you?
00 :36 :44  -He's Willy Wonka.-Really?
00 :36 :57  "Good morning, starshine.
00 :37 :00  The Earth says hello."
00 :37 :10  "Dear guests, greetings.
00 :37 :13  Welcome to the factory.I shake you warmly by the hand.
00 :37 :21  My name is Willy Wonka."
00 :37 :24  Then shouldn't you be up there?
00 :37 :26  I couldn't very well watch the showfrom up there, now, could l, little girl?
00 :37 :30  Mr. Wonka, I don't knowif you'll remember me...
00 :37 :34  ...but I used to work here in the factory.
00 :37 :37  Were you one of those despicable spieswho tried to steal...
00 :37 :41  ...my life's work and sell it to parasitic,copycat, candy-making cads?
00 :37 :45  No, sir.
00 :37 :47  Then wonderful. Welcome back.
00 :37 :48  Let's get a move on, kids.
00 :37 :53  Don't you want to know our names?
00 :37 :55  Can't imagine how it would matter.Come quickly. Far too much to see.
00 :38 :06  Just drop your coats anywhere.
00 :38 :14  -Mr. Wonka? Sure is toasty in here.-What?
00 :38 :18  I have to keep it warm in here. My workersare used to an extremely hot climate.
00 :38 :23  They just can't stand the cold.
00 :38 :25  Who are the workers?
00 :38 :27  All in good time. Now....
00 :38 :33  Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde.
00 :38 :38  -I don't care.-Well, you should care.
00 :38 :40  Because I'm gonna winthe special prize at the end.
00 :38 :43  Well, you do seem confident,and confidence is key.
00 :38 :49  I'm Veruca Salt.It's very nice to meet you, sir.
00 :38 :52  I always thought a verrucawas a type of wart...
00 :38 :55  ...you got on the bottom of your foot.
00 :38 :59  I am Augustus Gloop.I love your chocolate.
00 :39 :03  I can see that. So do l.
00 :39 :06  I never expected to haveso much in common.
00 :39 :13  You. You're Mike Teavee.
00 :39 :16  You're the little devilwho cracked the system.
00 :39 :21  And you. Well, you're just luckyto be here, aren't you?
00 :39 :26  And the rest of you must be their--
00 :39 :36  -Parents.-Yeah.
00 :39 :38  Moms and dads.
00 :39 :42  Dad?
00 :39 :46  Papa?
00 :39 :54  Okay, then. Let's move along.
00 :40 :06  -Would you like some chocolate?-Sure.
00 :40 :09  Then you should've brought some.
00 :40 :14  -Let's be friends.-Best friends.
00 :40 :29  An important room, this.
00 :40 :31  -After all, it is a chocolate factory.-Then why is the door so small?
00 :40 :36  That's to keep all the great bigchocolatey flavor inside.
00 :41 :01  Now, do be careful, my dear children.
00 :41 :04  Don't lose your heads.
00 :41 :06  Don't get overexcited.
00 :41 :09  Just keep very calm.
00 :41 :28  It's beautiful.
00 :41 :30  What?
00 :41 :32  Oh, yeah, it's very beautiful.
00 :41 :44  Every drop of the river...
00 :41 :47  ...is hot, melted chocolateof the finest quality.
00 :41 :55  The waterfall is most important.
00 :41 :58  Mixes the chocolate.
00 :42 :00  Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy.
00 :42 :03  By the way...
00 :42 :05  ...no other factory in the world mixesits chocolate by waterfall, my dear children.
00 :42 :11  And you can take that to the bank.
00 :42 :23  People.
00 :42 :27  Those pipes...
00 :42 :29  ...suck up the chocolateand carry it away all over the factory.
00 :42 :35  Thousands of gallons an hour. Yeah.
00 :42 :39  And do you like my meadow?Try some of my grass.
00 :42 :42  Please have a blade. Please do.It's so delectable and so darn good-looking.
00 :42 :47  You can eat the grass?
00 :42 :49  Of course you can.
00 :42 :51  Everything in this room is eatable.
00 :42 :53  Even I'm eatable.
00 :42 :55  But that is called cannibalism,my dear children...
00 :42 :58  ...and is, in fact, frowned uponin most societies.
00 :43 :01  Yeah.
00 :43 :03  Enjoy.
00 :43 :05  Go on. Scoot, scoot.
00 :43 :29  Son.
00 :43 :32  Please.
00 :43 :34  Dad, he said, "Enjoy."
00 :43 :51  Why hold on to it?Why not start a new piece?
00 :43 :54  Because then I wouldn't be a champion.I'd be a loser, like you.
00 :44 :28  Daddy, look over there.
00 :44 :31  What is it?
00 :44 :33  It's a little person.
00 :44 :35  Over there, by the waterfall.
00 :44 :40  -There's two of them.-There's more than two.
00 :44 :49  -Where do they come from?-Who are they?
00 :44 :53  Are they real people?
00 :44 :55  Of course they're real people.They're Oompa-Loompas.
00 :45 :01  -Oompa-Loompas?-lmported, direct from Loompaland.
00 :45 :04  -There's no such place.-What?
00 :45 :07  Mr. Wonka, I teach high-school geography,and I'm here to tell you--
00 :45 :11  Well, then you'll know all about it,and, oh, what a terrible country it is.
00 :45 :27  The whole place is nothingbut thick jungles...
00 :45 :29  ...infested by the most dangerous beastsin the entire world.
00 :45 :34  Hornswogglers and snozzwangersand those terrible, wicked whangdoodles.
00 :45 :59  I went to Loompaland looking forexotic new flavors for candy.
00 :46 :07  Instead...
00 :46 :09  ...I found the Oompa-Loompas.
00 :46 :19  They lived in tree houses to escapefrom the fierce creatures who lived below.
00 :46 :28  The Oompa-Loompas ate nothing butgreen caterpillars, which tasted revolting.
00 :46 :33  The Oompa-Loompas lookedfor other things...
00 :46 :35  ...to mash up with the caterpillarsto make them taste better:.
00 :46 :38  Red beetles,the bark of the bong-bong tree.
00 :46 :42  All of them beastly...
00 :46 :44  ...but not quite so beastlyas the caterpillars.
00 :47 :19  But the food they longed for the mostwas the cocoa bean.
00 :47 :27  An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he foundthree or four cocoa beans a year.
00 :47 :30  But, oh, how they craved them.
00 :47 :34  All they'd ever think aboutwas cocoa beans.
00 :47 :43  The cocoa bean is the thing from whichchocolate is made, so I told the chief:
00 :48 :08  They are such wonderful workers.
00 :48 :10  I feel I must warn you, though,they are rather mischievous.
00 :48 :14  Always making jokes.
00 :48 :16  Augustus, my child,that is not a good thing you do!
00 :48 :22  Hey, little boy.
00 :48 :23  My chocolate must be untouchedby human hands.
00 :48 :33  He'll drown.
00 :48 :36  He can't swim.
00 :48 :38  Save him!
00 :48 :41  Augustus! No!
00 :48 :50  Augustus!
00 :49 :01  Augustus, watch out!
00 :49 :20  There he goes.
00 :49 :24  Call the fire brigade!
00 :49 :25  It's a wonder howthat pipe is big enough.
00 :49 :29  It isn't big enough. He's slowing down.
00 :49 :31  He's gonna stick.
00 :49 :34  I think he has.
00 :49 :39  He's blocked the whole pipe.
00 :49 :43  Look. The Oompa-Loompas.
00 :49 :49  What are they doing?
00 :49 :53  They're going to treat us to a little song.It is quite a special occasion.
00 :49 :58  They haven't had a fresh audiencein many a moon.
00 :50 :20  Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop
00 :50 :23  The great big, greedy nincompoop
00 :50 :25  Augustus Gloop, so big and vileSo greedy, foul and infantile
00 :50 :30  "Come on!" we cried"The time is ripe
00 :50 :33  To send him shooting up the pipe!"
00 :50 :36  But don't, dear children, be alarmed
00 :50 :38  Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
00 :50 :41  Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
00 :51 :15  Although, of course, we must admit
00 :51 :17  He will be altered quite a bit
00 :51 :20  Slowly, wheels go round and round
00 :51 :22  And cogs begin to grind and pound
00 :51 :25  This greedy brute, this louse's ear
00 :51 :30  Is loved by people everywhere
00 :51 :32  For who could hate or bear a grudge
00 :51 :35  Against a luscious bit of fudge?
00 :52 :04  Bravo! Well done!
00 :52 :06  Aren't they delightful?Aren't they charming?
00 :52 :09  -I do say, that all seemed rather rehearsed.-Like they knew it was gonna happen.
00 :52 :14  Oh, poppycock.
00 :52 :19  Where is my son?Where does that pipe go to?
00 :52 :23  That pipe, it just so happens to lead...
00 :52 :26  ...directly to the roomwhere I make delicious...
00 :52 :28  ...strawberry-flavored,chocolate-coated fudge.
00 :52 :31  Then he will be made intostrawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge.
00 :52 :34  They'll be selling him by the poundall over the world?
00 :52 :38  No. I wouldn't allow it.The taste would be terrible.
00 :52 :42  Can you imagine Augustus-flavored,chocolate-coated Gloop?
00 :52 :46  No one would buy it.
00 :52 :56  I want you to take Mrs. Gloopup to the Fudge Room, okay?
00 :52 :59  Help her find her son.
00 :53 :01  Take a long stick and start poking aroundin the big chocolate-mixing barrel, okay?
00 :53 :23  Mr. Wonka?
00 :53 :25  Why would Augustus' name alreadybe in the Oompa-Loompa song, unless--?
00 :53 :29  Improvisation is a parlor trick.Anyone can do it.
00 :53 :33  You, little girl. Say something.
00 :53 :35  -Anything.-Chewing gum.
00 :53 :37  Chewing gum is really grossChewing gum, I hate the most
00 :53 :40  See? Exactly the same.
00 :53 :43  No, it isn't.
00 :53 :45  You really shouldn't mumble.
00 :53 :47  Because I can't understanda word you're saying.
00 :53 :51  Now, on with the tour.
00 :53 :57  -Are the Oompa-Loompas really joking?-Of course they're joking.
00 :54 :01  That boy will be fine.
00 :54 :52  What's so funny?
00 :54 :54  I think it's from all thosedoggone cocoa beans.
00 :54 :57  Hey, by the way, did you guys knowthat chocolate contains a property...
00 :55 :01  ...that triggers the release of endorphins?Gives one the feeling of being in love.
00 :55 :07  You don't say.
00 :55 :11  All aboard.
00 :55 :23  Onward!
00 :55 :48  Here.
00 :55 :50  Try some of this. It'll do you good.You look starved to death.
00 :55 :56  -It's great.-That's because it's mixed by waterfall.
00 :56 :01  The waterfall is most important.
00 :56 :03  Mixes the chocolate, churns it up,makes it light and frothy.
00 :56 :07  -By the way, no other factory in the world---You already said that.
00 :56 :17  -You're all quite short, aren't you?-Well, yeah. We're children.
00 :56 :21  Well, that's no excuse.I was never as short as you.
00 :56 :24  -You were once.-Was not. Know why?
00 :56 :27  Because I distinctly rememberputting a hat on top of my head.
00 :56 :31  Look at your short, little arms.You could never reach.
00 :56 :37  Do you even rememberwhat it was like being a kid?
00 :56 :40  Oh, boy, do l.
00 :56 :45  Do l?
00 :56 :47  In fact, Willy Wonka hadn't thoughtabout his childhood for years.
00 :56 :52  Trick or treat!
00 :56 :55  Trick or treat!
00 :57 :04  Trick or treat!


00 :00 :01  Who do we have here?
00 :00 :03  Ruthie, Veronica, Terrance.
00 :00 :07  And who's that under the sheet?
00 :00 :11  Little Willy Wonka.
00 :00 :16  Willy Wonka was the sonof the city's most famous dentist...
00 :00 :21  ... Wilbur Wonka.
00 :00 :30  Now...
00 :00 :32  ...Iet's see what the damage isthis year, shall we?
00 :00 :49  Caramels.
00 :00 :51  They'd get stuck in your braces,wouldn't they?
00 :00 :59  Lollipops.
00 :01 :01  Ought to be called "cavities on a stick."
00 :01 :06  Then we have all this....
00 :01 :08  All this...
00 :01 :10  ...chocolate.
00 :01 :13  You know, just last week, I was readingin a very important medical journal...
00 :01 :18  ...that some childrenare allergic to chocolate.
00 :01 :22  Makes their noses itch.
00 :01 :25  Maybe I'm not allergic.
00 :01 :28  I could try a piece.
00 :01 :30  Really?
00 :01 :31  But why take a chance?
00 :01 :49  Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka?
00 :01 :52  -We're headed for a tunnel.-Oh, yeah.
00 :01 :55  Full speed ahead.
00 :02 :03  -How can they see where they're going?-They can't.
00 :02 :06  There's no knowing where they're going.
00 :02 :08  Switch on the lights!
00 :02 :37  People, keep an eye out.
00 :02 :39  We're passing somevery important rooms here.
00 :02 :47  What do you use hair cream for?
00 :02 :49  To lock in moisture.
00 :02 :58  -Whipped cream.-Precisely.
00 :03 :02  That doesn't make sense.
00 :03 :04  For your information, little girl...
00 :03 :06  ...whipped cream isn't whipped cream at allunless it's been whipped with whips.
00 :03 :10  Everybody knows that.
00 :04 :02  Stop the boat.I wanna show you guys something.
00 :04 :25  Now, this is the most important roomin the entire factory.
00 :04 :29  Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves,but just don't touch anything.
00 :04 :33  Okay? Go on.
00 :04 :35  Go on, scoot.
00 :04 :48  Hey, Mr. Wonka, what's this?
00 :04 :52  Let me show you.
00 :04 :55  Thank you.
00 :04 :57  These are Everlasting Gobstoppers.
00 :04 :59  They're for children who are givenvery little allowance.
00 :05 :02  You can suck on it all year,and it'll never get any smaller.
00 :05 :06  -lsn't that neat?-It's like gum.
00 :05 :09  No. Gum is for chewing.
00 :05 :11  If you tried chewingone of these Gobstoppers...
00 :05 :14  ...you'd break all your little teeth off.
00 :05 :16  But they sure do taste terrific.
00 :05 :26  And this is Hair Toffee.
00 :05 :28  You suck down one ofthese little boogers...
00 :05 :31  ...and in exactly half an hour...
00 :05 :33  ...a brand-new crop of hair will grow outover the top of your little noggin.
00 :05 :37  And a mustache. And a beard.
00 :05 :39  -Who wants a beard?-Well...
00 :05 :42  ...beatniks, for one.Folk singers and motorbike riders.
00 :05 :45  You know, all those hip, jazzy, super-cool,neat, keen and groovy cats.
00 :05 :49  It's in the fridge, daddy-o.Are you hep to the jive?
00 :05 :52  Can you dig what I'm laying down?I knew you could.
00 :05 :54  Slide me some skin, soul brother.
00 :06 :00  Unfortunately, the mixture isn't right yet.
00 :06 :02  Because an Oompa-Loompatried some yesterday, and, well, he--
00 :06 :10  How are you today?
00 :06 :13  You look great.
00 :06 :24  Watch this.
00 :06 :53  You mean that's it?
00 :06 :55  Do you even know what "it" is?
00 :06 :58  -It's gum.-Yeah.
00 :07 :00  It's a stick of the most amazingand sensational gum in the whole universe.
00 :07 :04  Know why? Know why?
00 :07 :06  Because this gum is a fullthree-course dinner all by itself.
00 :07 :13  Why would anyone want that?
00 :07 :22  " It will be the end of all kitchensand all cooking.
00 :07 :24  Just a little strip of Wonka's magicchewing gum and that is all you will...
00 :07 :28  ...ever need at breakfast,lunch and dinner.
00 :07 :30  This piece of gum happens to betomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie."
00 :07 :35  It sounds great.
00 :07 :37  -lt sounds weird.-lt sounds like my kind of gum.
00 :07 :43  I'd rather you didn't.There are still some things that are--
00 :07 :46  I'm the world-record holder in chewing gum.I'm not afraid of anything.
00 :07 :56  -How is it, honey?-It's amazing!
00 :07 :59  Tomato soup.I can feel it running down my throat.
00 :08 :02  Yeah. Spit it out.
00 :08 :03  -Young lady, I think you'd better---It's changing.
00 :08 :07  Roast beef, with baked potato.
00 :08 :09  Crispy skin and butter.
00 :08 :11  Keep chewing. My little girl's gonna be thefirst person to have a chewing-gum meal.
00 :08 :15  Yeah. I'm just a little concernedabout the--
00 :08 :18  Blueberry pie and ice cream!
00 :08 :20  -That part.-What's happening to her nose?
00 :08 :28  It's turning blue.
00 :08 :33  Your whole nose has gone purple.
00 :08 :35  What do you mean?
00 :08 :38  Violet, you're turning violet.
00 :08 :41  -What's happening?-Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right.
00 :08 :45  Because it goes a little funnywhen it gets to the dessert.
00 :08 :48  It's the blueberry pie that does it.
00 :08 :51  I'm terribly sorry.
00 :09 :02  Mother? What's happening to me?
00 :09 :18  She's swelling up.
00 :09 :23  Like a blueberry.
00 :09 :53  I've tried it on, like, 20 Oompa-Loompas,and each one ended up as a blueberry.
00 :09 :57  It's just weird.
00 :09 :59  But I can't have a blueberryas a daughter.
00 :10 :02  How is she supposed to compete?
00 :10 :03  You could put her in a county fair.
00 :10 :19  Yeah, yeah
00 :10 :26  Yeah
00 :10 :27  Listen close, and listen hard
00 :10 :30  To the tale of Violet Beauregarde
00 :10 :32  This gentle girlShe sees no wrong
00 :10 :34  In chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing
00 :10 :37  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :10 :39  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :10 :42  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :10 :44  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :10 :48  Yeah
00 :10 :56  She goes on chewing till, at last
00 :10 :58  Her chewing muscles grow so vast
00 :11 :01  And from her faceHer giant chin
00 :11 :03  Sticks out just like a violin
00 :11 :06  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :08  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :10  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :17  For years and years she chews away
00 :11 :20  Her jaws get stronger every day
00 :11 :22  And with one great, tremendous chew
00 :11 :25  They bite the poor girl's tongue in two
00 :11 :27  And that is why we try so hard
00 :11 :30  To save Miss Violet Beauregarde
00 :11 :32  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :34  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :37  Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing
00 :11 :39  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :42  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :44  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :47  Chewing, chewing all day long
00 :11 :48  Mr. Wonka!
00 :11 :56  I want you to roll Miss Beauregardeinto the boat...
00 :11 :58  ...and take her along tothe Juicing Room at once, okay?
00 :12 :03  Juicing Room?What are they gonna do to her there?
00 :12 :06  They're gonna squeeze her.
00 :12 :08  Like a little pimple.
00 :12 :11  We gotta squeeze all that juiceout of her immediately.
00 :12 :17  Mother, help me.
00 :12 :19  Please.
00 :12 :25  Come on.
00 :12 :27  Let's boogie.
00 :12 :29  Without the boat, we'll have to movedouble-time to keep on schedule.
00 :12 :33  There's far too much to see.
00 :12 :34  -Mr. Wonka?-Yeah?
00 :12 :35  Why did you decide to let people in?
00 :12 :37  So they could see the factory,of course.
00 :12 :39  But why now? And why only five?
00 :12 :42  What's the special prize, and who gets it?
00 :12 :44  The best kind of prize is a surprise.
00 :12 :48  Will Violet always be a blueberry?
00 :12 :50  No. Maybe. I don't know.
00 :12 :52  That's what you get from chewing gumall day. It's disgusting.
00 :12 :56  If you hate gum so much,why do you make it?
00 :12 :58  Once again, you shouldn't mumble.It's starting to bum me out.
00 :13 :01  Can you remember the first candyyou ever ate?
00 :13 :08  No.
00 :13 :09  In fact, Willy Wonka did rememberthe first candy he ever ate.
00 :14 :15  I'm sorry, I was having a flashback.
00 :14 :19  I see.
00 :14 :21  These flashbacks happen often?
00 :14 :23  Increasingly...
00 :14 :26  ...today.
00 :14 :35  This is a room I know all about.
00 :14 :37  For you see, Mr. Wonka,l, myself, am in the nut business.
00 :14 :40  Are you using the Havermax 4000to do your sorting?
00 :14 :44  No.
00 :14 :45  You're really weird.
00 :15 :08  -Squirrels.-Yeah. Squirrels.
00 :15 :11  These squirrels are specially trainedto get the nuts out of shells.
00 :15 :31  Why use squirrels?Why not use Oompa-Loompas?
00 :15 :33  Because only squirrels can get the wholewalnut out almost every single time.
00 :15 :39  See how they tap them with their knucklesto make sure it's not bad?
00 :15 :42  Oh, look. Look.
00 :15 :45  I think that one's got a bad nut.
00 :15 :49  Daddy, I want a squirrel.
00 :15 :51  Get me one of those squirrels.I want one.
00 :15 :54  Veruca, dear,you have many marvelous pets.
00 :15 :57  All I've got at home is one pony and twodogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits...
00 :16 :01  ...and two parakeets and three canariesand a green parrot and a turtle...
00 :16 :04  ...and a silly old hamster.I want a squirrel!
00 :16 :08  All right, pet.
00 :16 :09  Daddy will get you a squirrelas soon as he possibly can.
00 :16 :12  But I don't want any old squirrel,I want a trained squirrel.
00 :16 :17  Very well.
00 :16 :19  Mr. Wonka, how much do you wantfor one of these squirrels?
00 :16 :22  Name your price.
00 :16 :25  Oh, they're not for sale.She can't have one.
00 :16 :33  Daddy.
00 :16 :36  I'm sorry, darling.
00 :16 :38  Mr. Wonka's being unreasonable.
00 :16 :43  If you won't get me a squirrel,I'll get one myself.
00 :16 :55  Veruca.
00 :16 :58  Little girl?
00 :17 :03  Veruca, come back here at once.
00 :17 :08  Veruca.
00 :17 :21  Little girl?
00 :17 :23  Don't touch that squirrel's nuts.
00 :17 :25  It'll make him crazy.
00 :17 :43  I'll have you.
00 :17 :50  Veruca.
00 :17 :58  Veruca.
00 :18 :01  No!
00 :18 :07  Veruca!
00 :18 :11  Let's find the key.
00 :18 :15  Nope. Not that one.
00 :18 :17  -Daddy!-Veruca!
00 :18 :20  No. It's not that one.
00 :18 :34  There it is.
00 :18 :36  There it isn't.
00 :18 :37  Daddy, I want them to stop.
00 :18 :50  What are they doing?
00 :18 :52  They're testing to see if she's a bad nut.
00 :18 :56  Oh, my goodness.She is a bad nut after all.
00 :19 :06  Veruca!
00 :19 :08  Daddy!
00 :19 :09  Where are they taking her?
00 :19 :11  Where all the other bad nuts go.To the garbage chute.
00 :19 :15  Where does the chute go?
00 :19 :16  To the incinerator.
00 :19 :18  But don't worry.We only light it on Tuesdays.
00 :19 :21  Today is Tuesday.
00 :19 :24  Well, there's always the chancethey decided not to light it today.
00 :19 :46  Now, she may be stuck in the chutejust below the top.
00 :19 :49  If that's the case, all you have to dois just reach in and pull her out.
00 :19 :53  Okay?
00 :20 :33  Veruca Salt, the little brute
00 :20 :36  Has just gone down the garbage chute
00 :20 :39  And she will meet, as she descends
00 :20 :44  A rather different set of friends
00 :20 :47  A rather different set of friends
00 :20 :50  A rather different set of friends
00 :20 :54  A fish head, for example, cut
00 :20 :57  This morning from a halibut
00 :21 :00  An oyster from an oyster stew
00 :21 :04  A steak that no one else would chew
00 :21 :08  And lots of other things as well
00 :21 :11  Each with its rather horrid smell
00 :21 :18  Horrid smell
00 :21 :22  These are Veruca's newfound friends
00 :21 :25  That she will meet as she descends
00 :21 :29  These are Veruca's newfound friends
00 :21 :53  Who went and spoiled her, who indeed?
00 :21 :57  Who pandered to her every need?
00 :22 :00  Who turned her into such a brat?
00 :22 :04  Who are the culprits?
00 :22 :06  Who did that?
00 :22 :07  The guilty ones, now this is sad
00 :22 :11  Are dear old Mum and loving Dad
00 :22 :25  Oh, really? Oh, good.
00 :22 :28  I've just been informedthat the incinerator's broken.
00 :22 :30  So there should be about three weeksof rotten garbage to break their fall.
00 :22 :34  Well, that's good news.
00 :22 :36  Yeah.
00 :22 :38  Well, let's keep on trucking.
00 :22 :43  I don't know why I didn't think of this.
00 :22 :45  The elevator's by far the most efficient wayto get around the factory.
00 :22 :49  There can't be this many floors.
00 :22 :52  How do you know, Mr. Smarty-Pants?
00 :22 :54  This isn't just an ordinaryup-and-down elevator, by the way.
00 :22 :57  This elevator can go sideways,longways, slantways...
00 :23 :00  ...and any other waysyou can think of.
00 :23 :01  You just press any buttonand, whoosh, you're off.
00 :23 :15  Oh, look. Look.
00 :23 :17  Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Fudge Mountain.
00 :23 :49  I'd rather not talk about this one.
00 :24 :02  This is the Puppet Hospitaland Burn Center.
00 :24 :09  It's relatively new.
00 :24 :19  The administration offices.
00 :24 :22  Hello, Doris.
00 :24 :59  Why is everything herecompletely pointless?
00 :25 :02  Candy doesn't have to have a point.
00 :25 :04  That's why it's candy.
00 :25 :06  It's stupid.
00 :25 :08  Candy is a waste of time.
00 :25 :12  No son of mine is going to bea chocolatier.
00 :25 :15  Then I'll run away.
00 :25 :17  To Switzerland. Bavaria.
00 :25 :19  The candy capitals of the world.
00 :25 :22  Go ahead.
00 :25 :24  But I won't be herewhen you come back.
00 :25 :54  Sorry, son.
00 :25 :55  We're closing for the night.
00 :26 :23  I wanna pick a room.
00 :26 :28  Go ahead.
00 :26 :48  Here.
00 :26 :50  Put these on quick, and don'ttake them off whatever you do.
00 :26 :54  This light could burn your eyeballsright out of your skulls.
00 :26 :57  And we certainly don't want that,now, do we?
00 :27 :03  This is the testing room for my very latestand greatest invention:
00 :27 :07  Television Chocolate.
00 :27 :09  One day it occurred to me:
00 :27 :11  " Hey, if television can break upa photograph...
00 :27 :14  ...into millions and millions of tiny piecesand send it whizzing through the air...
00 :27 :18  ...then reassemble iton the other end...
00 :27 :20  ...why can't I do the samewith chocolate?
00 :27 :22  Why can't I send a real bar of chocolatethrough the television, ready to be eaten? "
00 :27 :28  I'm not gonna touch it.I'm not going in that direction.
00 :27 :33  Sounds impossible.
00 :27 :35  It is impossible.
00 :27 :37  You don't understand anythingabout science.
00 :27 :40  First off, there's a difference betweenwaves and particles.
00 :27 :45  Second, the amount of power it would taketo convert energy in matter...
00 :27 :49  ...would be like nine atomic bombs.
00 :27 :51  Mumbler!
00 :27 :53  Seriously, I cannot understanda single word you're saying.
00 :28 :01  Okey-dokey.
00 :28 :03  I shall now send a bar of chocolatefrom one end of the room...
00 :28 :06  ...to the other by television.
00 :28 :09  Bring in the chocolate.
00 :28 :31  It's gotta be real bigbecause you know how on TV...
00 :28 :34  ...you can film a regular-size man,and he comes out looking this tall?
00 :28 :38  Same basic principle.
00 :29 :11  It's gone.
00 :29 :14  Told you. That bar of chocolate is nowrushing through the air above our heads...
00 :29 :18  ...in a million tiny little pieces.
00 :29 :21  Come over here.Come on. Come on. Come on!
00 :29 :29  Watch the screen.
00 :29 :34  Here it comes.
00 :29 :37  Oh, look.
00 :29 :43  -Take it.-It's just a picture on a screen.
00 :29 :46  Scaredy-cat.
00 :29 :48  You take it.
00 :29 :50  Go on. Just reach out and grab it.
00 :30 :01  Go on.
00 :30 :10  Holy buckets.
00 :30 :15  Eat it. Go on.
00 :30 :17  It'll be delicious. It's the same bar.
00 :30 :20  It's just gotten a little smalleron the journey, that's all.
00 :30 :31  It's great.
00 :30 :33  It's a miracle.
00 :30 :36  So imagine, you're sitting at homewatching television...
00 :30 :39  ...and suddenly a commercial will flashonto the screen, and a voice will say:
00 :30 :43  "Wonka's chocolatesare the best in the world.
00 :30 :47  If you don't believe us,try one for yourself."
00 :30 :51  And you simply reach out and take it.
00 :30 :56  How about that?
00 :30 :57  So can you send other things?
00 :30 :59  Say, like, breakfast cereal?
00 :31 :01  Do you have any ideawhat breakfast cereal's made of?
00 :31 :04  It's those little curly wooden shavingsyou find in pencil sharpeners.
00 :31 :08  But could you send it by TVif you wanted to?
00 :31 :10  -Of course I could.-What about people?
00 :31 :12  Well, why would I wanna send a person?They don't taste very good at all.
00 :31 :16  Don't you realize what you've invented?It's a teleporter.
00 :31 :20  It's the most important inventionin the history of the world.
00 :31 :23  And all you think about is chocolate.
00 :31 :25  Calm down, Mike.
00 :31 :26  I think Mr. Wonka knowswhat he's talking about.
00 :31 :29  No, he doesn't. He has no idea.
00 :31 :32  You think he's a genius,but he's an idiot.
00 :31 :35  But I'm not.
00 :31 :41  Hey, little boy.
00 :31 :44  Don't push my button.
00 :32 :27  He's gone.
00 :32 :29  Let's go check the television,see what we get.
00 :32 :33  I sure hope no part of himgets left behind.
00 :32 :35  What do you mean?
00 :32 :37  Well, sometimes only halfof the little pieces find their way through.
00 :32 :43  If you had to choose only one halfof your son, which one would it be?
00 :32 :46  What kind of a question is that?
00 :32 :49  No need to snap. Just a question.
00 :32 :53  Try every channel.I'm starting to feel a little anxious.
00 :33 :02  -There he is.-Mike.
00 :33 :04  The most important thing
00 :33 :06  That we've ever learned
00 :33 :07  The most important thing we've learnedAs far as children are concerned
00 :33 :11  Is never, never let them nearThe television set
00 :33 :14  Or better still just don't installThe idiotic thing at all
00 :33 :18  Never, never let themNever, never let them
00 :33 :34  Never, never let them
00 :33 :36  Never, never let them
00 :33 :37  It rots the senses in the head
00 :33 :39  It keeps imagination dead
00 :33 :41  It clogs and clutters up the mind
00 :33 :42  It makes a child so dull and blind
00 :33 :44  So dull, so dull
00 :33 :46  He can no longer understandA fairy tale, a fairyland
00 :33 :49  A fairyland, a fairyland
00 :33 :51  His brain becomes as soft as cheese
00 :33 :52  His thinking powers rust and freeze
00 :33 :54  He cannot think, he only sees
00 :34 :02  Regarding little Mike Teavee
00 :34 :05  We very much regret that we
00 :34 :08  Regret that we
00 :34 :12  Shall simply have to wait and see
00 :34 :13  Wait and see, wait and see
00 :34 :15  Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see
00 :34 :17  We very much regret that we
00 :34 :19  Shall simply have to wait and see
00 :34 :21  If we can get him back his height
00 :34 :23  But if we can't
00 :34 :25  It serves him right
00 :34 :27  Somebody grab him.
00 :34 :28  Help me.
00 :34 :31  Help me.
00 :34 :33  Oh, thank heavens.He's completely unharmed.
00 :34 :37  Unharmed? What are you talking about?
00 :34 :43  Just put me back in the other way.
00 :34 :46  There is no other way.
00 :34 :47  It's television, not telephone.There's quite a difference.
00 :34 :51  And what exactly do you proposeto do about it?
00 :34 :54  I don't know.
00 :34 :56  But young men are extremely springy.They stretch like mad.
00 :35 :00  -Let's go put him in the taffy puller.-Taffy puller?
00 :35 :04  Hey, that was my idea.
00 :35 :07  Boy, is he gonna be skinny.
00 :35 :10  Yeah.
00 :35 :12  Taffy puller.
00 :35 :15  I want you to take Mr. Teaveeand his...
00 :35 :19  ...Iittle boy up to the taffy puller, okay?
00 :35 :21  Stretch him out.
00 :35 :34  On with the tour.
00 :35 :45  There's still so much left to see.
00 :35 :47  Now, how many children are left?
00 :35 :53  Mr. Wonka,Charlie's the only one left now.
00 :35 :59  You mean, you're the only one?
00 :36 :02  Yes.
00 :36 :03  What happened to the others?
00 :36 :09  Oh, my dear boy,but that means you've won.
00 :36 :12  Oh, I do congratulate you. I really do.
00 :36 :14  I'm absolutely delighted.
00 :36 :16  I had a hunch right from the beginning.Well done.
00 :36 :19  Now, we mustn't dilly or dally.
00 :36 :21  We have an enormous numberof things to do before the day's out.
00 :36 :24  But luckily for us, we have the greatglass elevator to speed things along--
00 :36 :34  Speed things along.
00 :36 :39  Come on.
00 :36 :46  " Up and Out"? What kind of room is that?
00 :36 :49  Hold on.
00 :37 :00  Oh, my goodness.
00 :37 :02  We're gonna need to go much faster,otherwise we'll just never break through.
00 :37 :05  Break through what?
00 :37 :07  I've been longing to pressthat button for years.
00 :37 :10  Well, here we go. Up and out.
00 :37 :13  -But do you really mean--?-Yeah. I do.
00 :37 :16  But it's made of glass.
00 :37 :18  It'll smash into a million pieces.
00 :37 :55  Augustus, please don't eat your fingers.
00 :37 :58  But I taste so good.
00 :38 :13  Look, Mother.I'm much more flexible now.
00 :38 :16  Yes, but you're blue.
00 :38 :41  Daddy, I want a flying glass elevator.
00 :38 :45  Veruca, the only thing you're getting todayis a bath, and that's final.
00 :38 :48  But I want it.
00 :39 :07  Where do you live?
00 :39 :10  Right over there. That little house.
00 :39 :17  What time do you think they'll be back?
00 :39 :19  Hard to know, dear.
00 :39 :32  I think there's someone at the door.
00 :39 :35  Hi, Mom.
00 :39 :40  Mom. Dad. We're back.
00 :39 :42  -Charlie.-Charlie.
00 :39 :45  Goodness.
00 :39 :49  This is Willy Wonka.He gave us a ride home.
00 :39 :52  I see that.
00 :39 :53  You must be the boy's--
00 :39 :57  -Parents?-Yeah. That.
00 :39 :59  He says Charlie's won something.
00 :40 :04  Not just some something.
00 :40 :05  The most "something" somethingof any something that's ever been.
00 :40 :10  I'm gonna give this little boymy entire factory.
00 :40 :15  You must be joking.
00 :40 :17  No, really. It's true.
00 :40 :18  Because you see, a few months ago,I was having my semiannual haircut...
00 :40 :22  ...and I had the strangest revelation.
00 :40 :39  In that one silver hair...
00 :40 :41  ...I saw reflected my life's work...
00 :40 :44  ...my factory,my beloved Oompa-Loompas.
00 :40 :48  Who would watch over themafter I was gone?
00 :40 :51  I realized in that moment:
00 :40 :53  I must find a heir.
00 :40 :57  And I did, Charlie.
00 :40 :59  You.
00 :41 :02  That's why you sent outthe golden tickets.
00 :41 :06  What are Oompa-Loompas?
00 :41 :08  I invited five children to the factory...
00 :41 :11  ...and the one who was the least rottenwould be the winner.
00 :41 :14  That's you, Charlie.
00 :41 :16  So, what do you say?
00 :41 :17  Are you ready to leave all this behindand come live with me at the factory?
00 :41 :21  Sure. Of course.
00 :41 :23  I mean, it's all rightif my family come too?
00 :41 :25  Oh, my dear boy, of course they can't.
00 :41 :29  You can't run a chocolate factory...
00 :41 :30  ...with a family hanging over youlike an old, dead goose. No offense.
00 :41 :34  None taken, jerk.
00 :41 :38  A chocolatier has to run free and solo.
00 :41 :41  He has to follow his dreams.Gosh darn the consequences.
00 :41 :45  Look at me.
00 :41 :46  I had no family, and I'm a giant success.
00 :41 :50  So if I go with you to the factory,I won't ever see my family again?
00 :41 :54  Yeah. Consider that a bonus.
00 :41 :59  Then I'm not going.
00 :42 :02  I wouldn't give up my familyfor anything.
00 :42 :05  Not for all the chocolate in the world.
00 :42 :09  Oh, I see.
00 :42 :13  That's weird.
00 :42 :18  There's other candy toobesides chocolate.
00 :42 :22  I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka. I'm staying here.
00 :42 :32  Well, that's just...
00 :42 :34  ...unexpected...
00 :42 :38  ...and weird.
00 :42 :47  But I suppose, in that case, I'll just--
00 :42 :52  Goodbye, then.
00 :42 :56  Sure you won't change your mind?
00 :43 :00  I'm sure.
00 :43 :11  Okay. Bye.
00 :43 :35  Things are going to get much better.
00 :43 :38  And for once, Grandma Georgina knewexactly what she was talking about.
00 :43 :45  The next morning, Charlie helpedhis parents fix the hole in the roof.
00 :43 :51  Grandpa Joe spent the whole dayout of bed.
00 :43 :54  He didn't feel tired at all.
00 :43 :58  Charlie's father got a better jobat the toothpaste factory...
00 :44 :01  ...repairing the machinethat had replaced him.
00 :44 :07  Things had never been betterfor the Bucket family.
00 :44 :10  The same could not be saidfor Willy Wonka.
00 :44 :14  I can't put my finger on it.
00 :44 :17  Candy's the only thingI was ever certain of...
00 :44 :19  ...and now I'm just notcertain at all.
00 :44 :22 &n
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