[한/영] The Arion (아리온) 1CD 695M


[한/영] The Arion (아리온) 1CD 695M

[한글] The Arion(아리온) 1CD 695M



이 작품은 무려 118분의 영상을 담고 있으며
애니메이션 치고는 비교적 높은 수준의
내용의 담고 있습니다.

아이들이 보기에는 부적절하니 보여주지 마시길 당부드립니다.

차후에 수정 버젼을 낼 계획은 있으나 일부만이 수정될 것입니다.
참고하시길 바랍니다.

제작 : Team Liberty

번역 : 다꾸야(misayoon@shinbiro.com)
싱크, 수정 : Yu - Jin

아래는 영상 정보및 자막 정보입니다.




栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢 Subtitles Information 栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢
컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴 栢

Title ........... Arion Theater Date .... 1996 栢
Genre ............ Animation, Fantsay Runtime ......... 118 min 栢
Language ......... Japanese Translation...... TAKUYA(Japanese to Korean) 栢
Synchronization... Yu-Jin Release date..... 2003/07/12 栢
Size ............. 695M, 1CD Supplier......... Team Liberty 栢
Subtitles......... Korean, English 栢

Link....... http://webplus.ginisnet.abelgratis.co.uk/ 栢


栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢 Cast & Description 栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢
栢 컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴 栢
栢 栢
栢 Arion .................................. Shigeru Nakahara (Voice) 栢
栢 Seneca .................................... Mayumi Tanaka (Voice) 栢
栢 Lesfeena ................................. Miki Takahashi (Voice) 栢
栢 Hades .................................... Chikao Ohtsuka (Voice) 栢
栢 Poseidon .............................. Kiyoshi Kobayashi (Voice) 栢
栢 Apollon ................................ Hirotaka Suzuoki (Voice) 栢
栢 Athena ................................... Masako Katsuki (Voice) 栢
栢 Hercules .................................. Daisuke Gohri (Voice) 栢
栢 Prometheus .............................. Hideyuki Tanaka (Voice) 栢
栢 Demeter ..................................... Reiko Mutoh (Voice) 栢
栢 Lykaon .................................... Ichirou Nagai (Voice) 栢
栢 Pio ......................................... Takako Ohta (Voice) 栢
栢 young Arion ................................ Kazue Komiya (Voice) 栢
栢 栢
栢 栢
栢 The setting of this movie was based on Greek Mythology and the story is of epic stature. 栢
栢 栢
栢 The complex plot takes a while to unravel, but the storytelling is excellent. 栢
栢 栢
栢 The subtitle is produced through listening to the dialogue of the movie, 栢
栢 non like the tradtional way, translating from English subtitle. 栢
栢 栢
栢 Korean subtitle is made, as it were, straight from Japnese to Korean. 栢
栢 栢
栢 English subtitle is made for foreigners. 栢
栢 栢
栢 Subtitles provided by Team Liberty. 栢
栢 栢

栢栢栢栢栢栢栢굇굇께昉 栢 Thanks & Contact 栢 昉께굇굇栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢栢
栢 컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴컴 栢
栢 栢
栢 People who support Team Liberty .. Specially Thanks to.. 栢
栢 栢
栢 栢
栢 And also thanks to our translators 栢
栢 栢
栢 栢
栢 Homepage : www.castle-disney.com 栢
栢 栢
栢굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇께昉 栢 Enjoy the Movie! 栢 昉께굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇굇栢

