백 투 더 퓨쳐 (Back To The Future) 2CD 701,701M. NEW


백 투 더 퓨쳐 (Back To The Future) 2CD 701,701M. NEW

기존에 올라와 있는 백 투 더 퓨쳐 영문 자막이 실제 대사와 다른 부분이 많아

대사가 맞는 서브 파일을 찾아 새로 만들었습니다.

기존 자막
October is an interval time.
So right now stand here it is,
making the best deal of the year.
All 1985, model Totoya.
you won't find a better car with a better price.
With Statler anywhere in town...
The sun will expected to volt on us today...
...In another news,

새 자막
October is inventory time.
So right now, Statler Toyota is making
the best deals of the year...
...on all 1985-model Toyotas.
You won't find a better car...
...at a better price with better service
anywhere in Hill Valley.
The Senate is expected to vote on this today.
In other news,

winrar 3.0으로 압축하였습니다.
수정 및 배포 자유입니다.

* mutzinjay
