부자가 된다고 상상해 봐 (Fancy, Fancy Being Rich, 2002)


부자가 된다고 상상해 봐 (Fancy, Fancy Being Rich, 2002)


감독 : 가이 매딘 Guy Maddin

음악 : 토마스 아데스의 오페라 'Powder Her Face' 중에서

길이 : 6분

일종의 뮤비랄까요.



Fancy being rich.

Fancy being lovely.

Fancy having money to waste, and not minding it.

They've got too much money, and nothing to do.

Nothing to do, but come to a wedding in the middle of the week. 


Only fancy.

Fancy eating lobster in the middle of the week standing up.

Fancy drinking champagne in the middle of the day and too drunk to worry and twelve and six a bottle.

Fancy being her.

The food's so lovely, though.

Shining like water, all under aspic.

Cut fruit in aspic, vegetable shapes, whole chicken.

Fish swimming in aspic, caught in stiff water.


She doesn't look happy. She looks rich. 


I wouldn't want to be happy if I was as rich as that.

I'd be like her. I'd marry rich men.

I wouldn't live in two rooms in Kentish Town, I'll tell you that for nothing.

I'd wear a tiara for breakfast.

I'd sleep in an hotel if I felt like it in the afternoon.

I'd eat nothing that wasn't lovely in aspic and hard work for someone.

I'd buy a whole shop full of diamonds and have it delivered in a carriage if I felt like it.

And I would feel like it, and I'd look as miserable as sin.

Just like her.

Just fancy being her.

Fancy putting milk and almonds in your bath.

Fancy your underclothes costing thirty shillings the ounce.

Yes, fancy having nothing to do but wait for the man for your hair and the girl for your skin and the boy with the telegram with reply paid for.

That's what I want.

That's what you want.

You'd Jove it.

"위 출처는 커뮤니티 '씨네스트'입니다. http://cineaste.co.kr 이곳에 오시면 다양한 피드백과 관련 자료가 있습니다. 아울러 스크립트를 이용한 불펌을 금합니다.

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