카타와피스카크 강의 사람들 (The People of the Kattawapiskak River, 2012)


카타와피스카크 강의 사람들 (The People of the Kattawapiskak River, 2012)


감독 : 알라니스 오봄사윈 Alanis Obomsawin

싱크는 모두 수정했습니다.

The people of the Attawapiskat First Nation, 
a Cree community in northern Ontario, 
were thrust into the national spotlight in 2012 
when the impoverished living conditions on their reserve 
became an issue of national debate. 

With The People of the Kattawapiskak River, 
Abenaki director Alanis Obomsawin quietly attends 
as community members tell their own story, 
shedding light on a history of dispossession and official indifference. 

“Obomsawin’s main objective is to make us see 
the people of Attawapiskat differently,” 
said Robert Everett-Green in The Globe & Mail. 

“The emphasis, ultimately, is not so much on looking as on listening
—the first stage in changing the conversation, or in making one possible.” 

Winner of the 2013 Donald Brittain Award for Best Social/Political Documentary, 
the film is part of a cycle of films that Obomsawin has made on children’s welfare and rights.

- 작품 소개 페이지에서 인용

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