핑크 플로이드 : 폼페이 라이브 - 감독판 (Pink Floyd:Live at Pompeii - The Director's Cut, 1972년작.) 1CD 699mb - anthdb릴


핑크 플로이드 : 폼페이 라이브 - 감독판 (Pink Floyd:Live at Pompeii - The Director's Cut, 1972년작.) 1CD 699mb - anthdb릴

* 제목 : Pink Floyd:Live at Pompeii - The Director's Cut (1972)
* 자막 제작 : anthdb
* 제작 날짜 : 2005년 9월 14일
* 동영상 : Pink Floyd:Live at Pompeii - The Director's Cut (1972).avi / 699mb (733.446.144bytes)
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화려함, 풍부한 상산력, 초현실적인 느낌, 고도의 실험정신 등은 핑크 플로이드의 음악을 시각적으로 묘사하는데 크게 기여하고 있는 욧들이다. `Live At The Pompeii`에서 폐허가 된 도시 품페이 가운데 위치한 고대 원형 극작의 주변을 ?으며 내부를 조망하는 장면은 보는 이들을 상상도 못했던 시각적, 청각적 경험으로 이끈다. 이 공연은 햇살이 흩뿌려지는 낮의 경기장과, 화산 형태의 적막한 풍경 속에 둘러싸인 밤의 경기장의 모습을 기술적으로 기록하고 있으며, 청각이 시각화되는 완벽한 전환과정을 압도적으로 그려냈다. 공연의 시작과 끝은 앨범 `Meddle`에 삽입되어 있는 중량감 있는 곡 `Echoes`로 장식되며 그 외 다음 곡들이 포함된다.

Originally released as an hour-long concert film, Live at Pompeii was soon expanded to about an hour and a half with the insertion of footage of interviews and shots of Pink Floyd working in the studio (as Dark Side of the Moon was taking shape). In its elongated hour-and-a-half version ? the one that forms the main feature of this DVD ? Live at Pompeii is art rock in general, and Pink Floyd in particular, at both its grandest and most pretentious. The group's performance of some of its most renowned material from the late '60s and early '70s ? live, effects and all, with first-rate cinematography ? in an empty amphitheater in Pompeii in 1971 was undeniably impressive. Its embellishment with footage from Pompeii and exploding volcanoes might strike some as ostentatious, though others might see at as appropriately far-out imagery to accompany the band's eerie space rock. This DVD, issued in 2003, presents the director's cut, and while no exact specifics are offered in the packaging, it seems quite similar to the expanded version of the film that had circulated in cinemas and home video for years, with the addition of some more contemporary non-Floyd space'n'effects shots. Even if you've seen the prior version and don't particularly care about the new material too much, however, the DVD package is extremely impressive. In addition to the director's cut, it also presents the original hour-long concert film, which focuses mostly on the band's performance (though the loss of the studio/interview sequences does make it inferior to the longer version). There's also an interesting 20-minute interview with director Adrian Maben about the film, in which he talks knowledgeably about the film's conception and realization, noting that Pompeii was an especially effective setting in part because the huge open spaces and large stone structures gave the music a powerful depth. A bunch of other marginal but nifty extra features gild the lily too, including a couple dozen photos from the film, a basic history of Pompeii, movie posters, period Pink Floyd press articles, and even cover reproductions of bootlegs of the music. And should you have a Pink Floyd friend whose first language isn't English ? not that much of a long shot, considering the group's immense global popularity ? it's also formatted for use and subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Mandarin, and French.

1. Echoes
2. Careful With That Axe Eugene
3. A Saucerful of Secrets
4. Us and Them
5. One of These Days
6. Mademoiselle Nobs
7. Brain Damage
8. Set the Controls for The Heart of the Sun
9. Echoes

Roger Waters : bass, vocals, percussion
David Gilmour : guitar, vocals
Richard Wright : piano, keyboards, vocals
Nick Mason : drums

Production Credits :
The Directors Cut and The Original Fime based on an idea and Directed by Adrian Maben
Directors of Photography : Willy Kurant, Gabor Pogany
Cameramen : Claude Agostini, Christophe Bazille, Jacques Boumendil, Henri Czap, Gerard Hameline, Adrian Maben, Philippe Theaudiere
Sound Engineers : Charles Rauchet, Peter Watts
Continuity : Marie-Noelle Zurstrassen
Editors : Nino di Fonzo, Jose Pinheiro
Mixers : Paul Bertault, Philippe Carrere
Specal Effects : Michel Francois, Monteurs Studio, Teletota
Associate Producers : Michele Arnaud, Reiner Moritz
DVD Cover Design by Peter Curzon and Storm Thorgerson
