From The Earth To The Moon (1998) 12CD 각 약 700M


From The Earth To The Moon (1998) 12CD 각 약 700M

Tom Hanks 출연하고 제작한, 미국의 아폴로 탐사 프로그램에 대한 HBO의 TV Documentary Series입니다.
케네디의 유명한 연설 "We choose to go to the moon in this decade, and do the other things... not because they are easy, but because they are hard."이 거의 모든 에피소드의 첫머리에 나옵니다.

영문 sub 자막을 두군데서 구한 관계로 에피소드마다 영문자막 파일명이 다릅니다.

The critically acclaimed television series about America's Apollo Space Program as produced by Tom Hanks, for HBO. Not only visually striking with its attention to detail, the series goes beyond the astronaut stories. Hanks appears in the very last episode.
Powerfully told as never before, these are the stories of the men, women and children, who lived, breathed, and manufactured from the power of the human will, one of the greatest achievements in the history of man.

Film Information
Actors: Tom Hanks
Producers: Tom Hanks
Studio: HBO / Rysher Ent.
Production Year: 1998
DVD Year: 2003
Length: 639 mins
Rating: NR

관련 정보

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