IMAX: Cosmic Voyage (1996) 1CD 625M


IMAX: Cosmic Voyage (1996) 1CD 625M

거시의 세계는 얼마나 크며, 미시의 세계는 얼마나 작은지를 보여주는 정도의 평범한 수준의 IMAX 영화입니다.
두 은하계가 서로 충돌할 때의 모습은 멋있더군요.
자막 이름과 같은 동영상을 구하지 못하고 625메가 짜리 IMAX - Cosmic Voyage.avi 란 동영상으로만 씽크 확인했습니다.
이전에 castle-disney에만 공개를 하고 여긴 공개를 하지 않은 것 같아 올립니다.

Explore the Universe from its tiniest particle to its greatest expanse.
The Academy Award nominee Cosmic Voyage combines live action with state-f-the-art computer-generated imagery to pinpoint where humans fit in our ever-expanding universe. Highlighting this journey is a "cosmic zoom" based on the powers of 10, extending from the Earth to the largest observable structures in the universe, and then back to the subnuclear realm- a guided tour across 42 orders of magnitude! Explore some of the greatest existing scientific theories, some of which have never before been visualized on film, from the birth of the cosmos and solar system to the nature of black holes and exploding supernovas.
Cosmic Voyage was filmed in the IMAX format and exhibited in IMAX theaters worldwide. This video version is digitally mastered from original 70MM film elements with the sound components specially mixed and mastered to produce the highest quality Dolby Surround Soundtrack.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman

Film Information
Directors: Bayley Silleck
Producers: Jeffrey Marvin, Bayley Silleck
Writers: Bayley Silleck
Studio: Warner Bros.
Production Year: 1996
DVD Year: 2002
Length: 36 mins
Rating: NR

관련 정보

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