BBC 다큐 - Great Wildlife Moments 2CD 699,700MB


BBC 다큐 - Great Wildlife Moments 2CD 699,700MB

sub 자막을 변환한 후 읽기 편하게 다음 자막과 충돌이 되지 않는 선에서 자막이 보이는 시간을 1초간 연장하였습니다.

작품설명 :
Starring: David Attenborough
Introduced and presented by David Attenborough, this specially compiled documentary includes the most memorable images from his vast selection of natural history programming. Featuring sequences from landmark series, Attenborough's successful team has hand picked 90 minutes of the most celebrated natural history moments. Highlights include David's encounter with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda, killer whales hunting seals and a beautiful selection of the most colourful and interesting birds...

관련 정보

※ 다큐멘터리에 관심이 많은 분들은 팝폴더의 "다큐"란 클럽에 가입을 해보시기 바랍니다.
