속임수인가, 조약인가? (Trick or Treaty?, 2014)


속임수인가, 조약인가? (Trick or Treaty?, 2014)


감독 : 알라니스 오봄사윈 Alanis Obomsawin

Covering a vast swath of northern Ontario, 

Treaty No. 9 reflects the often contradictory interpretations of treaties 

between First Nations and the Crown. 

To the Canadian government, this treaty represents a surrendering of Indigenous sovereignty, 

while the descendants of the Cree signatories contend its original purpose to share the land and its resources 

has been misunderstood and not upheld. 

Enlightening as it is entertaining, Trick or Treaty? succinctly and powerfully portrays 

one community’s attempts to enforce their treaty rights and protect their lands, 

while also revealing the complexities of contemporary treaty agreements. 

Trick or Treaty? made history as the first film by an Indigenous filmmaker 

to be part of the Masters section at TIFF when it screened there in 2014.

작품 소개 페이지에서 인용 Trick or Treaty? by Alanis Obomsawin - NFB

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그리고 타 사이트 업로더 여러분께도 간절히 부탁드립니다. 저작권 문제로 삭제되더라도 가급적이면 퍼가시는 것보다는 링크로 연결해 주시길 부탁드립니다. " 

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