13송이 장미 (Las 13 Rosas, 2007, 에밀리오 마르티네즈 나자로)


13송이 장미 (Las 13 Rosas, 2007, 에밀리오 마르티네즈 나자로)

24 오철용 1 3156 0


스페인 내전이 프랑코의 승리로 끝나고

공화주의자들에 대한 색출과 보복이 자행되는 와중에

전쟁중 사회주의 계열의 공동체에서 대민활동을 했던

13 명의 경범죄자들 여성을 사형시키게된다

이들 여성들의 이야기입니다



자료가 필요하신분은 링크타고 오세요



Emilio Martinez-Lazaro's historical drama Las 13 Rosas (AKA 13 Roses) commences in 1939 Madrid. As the forces of nationalist general Francisco Franco sweep down into the city and bombs cascade onto Spanish buildings, two Republicans - Red Cross employee Virtudes (Marta Etura) and streetcar attendant Julia (Veronica Sanchez) - sit in a club watching a live set by two musicians: the Communist Canepa (Enrico Lo Verso), and Enrique (Asier Etxeandia), the husband of Blanca (Pilar Lopez de Ayala). Sensing obvious trouble given the country's circumstances, Canepa opts to flee for his life - receiving some fiscal support from Blanca - and a romance blossoms between Julia and Perico (Felix Gomez), a soldier from Franco's forces. Meanwhile, unrest and extreme distrust run rampant among the nationalists. Hungry for scapegoats - despite the lack of conclusive evidence - the troops respond to a rumor about a plot to rub out Franco by rounding up the 13 innocent young women of the title, including Julia, the socialist Adelina (Gabriella Pession) and 11 others - who are collectively imprisoned, given trial and slated for execution for treasonous activity.

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