다이하드 4 같이 하실분?


다이하드 4 같이 하실분?

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다이하드를 하고 싶은데 제가 지구력이 좀 부족해서요
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1 고운모래  
  흠... 첫시도인데, 능률이 떨어지고 시간이 많이 걸리더라도 한번쯤은 시도해 볼만 하군요. 저도 시간이 많이 없거나 지구력이 떨어지는 편이라... <BR><BR>괜찮으시다면 전체 TS 싱크 작업을 맡아보겠습니다
시간이 없으니... 그럼 지금 바로 싱크 작업 들어가겠습니다.

보너스로, 정말 정말 안들리는 부분 확인 사살 도우미...^^
1 일타오백  
  다이하드 4.0 자막프로젝트팀 홧팅!!!
1 losernator  
  고운모래님 혹시 springnote사이트 아이디 만드셨으면 알려주세요
문서 공유 설정을 하면 제 작업물 실시간으로 확인/수정 하실 수 있거든요 ^^;
1 고운모래  
  아이디 만들기가 무척 어렵네요. 오픈 아이디를 말하는건가요 ? 그거 만들려니까까 자꾸 에러나면서 튕겨나갑니다.
1 losernator  
  오픈 아이디가 개념이 좀 새로워서... ^^; 아이디를 사이트마다 만들지 않고 사용과 발행을 분리해서 사용하면 회원정보넣고 아이디 만들고 하는 작업을 간소화 시킬 수 있다... 뭐 그런 방식입니다. 각설하고...

daum에서도 openID만들 수 있습니다.
<a href=http://openid.daum.net/ target=_blank>http://openid.daum.net/ </a>

여기서 오픈아이디 만들고 스프링노트에 가서 로그인 하셔도 됩니다. 이글루도 지원하고...신개념의 아이디/로그인 방식이라고 이해하시면 됩니다
1 윤성식  
  26분정도까지 적었고요....
미국에서 4년째 유학중인데 이 영화 자체가 구린지
정말 안들리네요. 반복재생해도 뭔말인지 ㄱ-;;
영화의 4분의 1도 안되는거 받아적는대만 4시간걸리니
지쳐서 오늘은 다 못하겠고요
혹시 제가 피료하시믄 여기다 답글달아주세여
1 윤성식  
  unlocking password/user connection...

-I'm sending you the code

-Yes. I see that, thank you.

-What about my account?

-I just sent it. You should have it.
-Yes, Thank you.

-Uh..hey, are you sure this is legal?
-We're just running a test in our security system, sir.
It's fine.

-Ah, are you the sexy voice.
Is there anything I can do for you?
To you?
-We have what we need

-We're ready.

-Yo, guess who just made 50Gs today. (G=grand의약자로 1000불을 의미함)
What did you do to my drive, man?
-Man, shut up. I didn't touch it.
-This isn't cool. Don't ever ever touch my computer!

-Diagnostics show no damage, but we're certain
it was an intentional breach.
-So then, we're hacked?
-It wasn't at denial service level.
They definitely cracked our door(?).
Open the black out files. I want every hacker
in the country who could have done this, interviewed now.
-Sir, that's close to a thousand names. With a holiday weekend,
we're short stacked as it is.
-Listen. We're the ones who's supposed to keep this from happening
and it just happened to us. Get it done.
-Sir, it's the middle of night. It'll scatter all over the country.
-Fine, get a local law enforcement teller. Somebody out there thinks
they can ____ with us.
I wanna find out who.

-I said, "no"
-Lucy, you are killing me, alright?

-Get out.

-Get out of the car right now
No means NO.
-No, don't touch me.

-John! Stop it!

-Oh, don't call me that.
I hated when you call me that.
-whwhwhwhoa, you know this guy?
-Shut up. You shut your mouth right now.

-Dad! Stop it, I mean it.
-Dad? You said your dad was dead.

-What? You told this jerk off I was "dead"?
You actually said that?
-I may have exaggerated a little bit.

-And this guy is what, you..your boyfriend?


-I don't know..okay? I'm sorry. just....
We'll see.
What are you doing here?
-You don't answer your phone and
you don't return my calls.
-That's because I'm not talking to you.
-And why aren't you talking to me this time, Lucy?
-Why not? what, you wanna list?
How about stuff like this? You spy on me.
You come all the way down here,
You drag my boyfriend out of the car,
-But you said he wasn't your boyfriend.
-He's not my boyfriend.
-I thought you said I just was.
-God, this! I..
-Shut up.
-You are such an asshole.
-Okay, I'm sorry. I pulled out your
'not boyfriend' out of the car, Okay?
-Lucy, babe, come on, get in the car.
Let's just go.
-No, no.
Will both of you just go away?
-Just talk to me from there, Lucy. Just..
-I'm tired, I'm going to bed alone.
-Damn right, you're going to bed alone.
-Lucy, honey, wait a minute, just wait, honey.
I wanna talk to you. Just wait.
-Dad, when I wanna talk to you,
"if" I wanna talk to you, I'll call.
-Lucy, wait, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy McClane
-It's not McClane. It's Genero.
-Chicks, right?
I'm gonna go.
-John, John!
It's Scalvino.
-Call from McClane.
-What are you doing at Redgers'(?)
-You know where I am
-We had all the cars load, jack 4 years ago. Remember?
I'm staring at exactly where you are.
-So that's not something I would turn on
-Yeah, we did that, John. We turned them on.
Listen. The feds've called in a favor. They're doing a sweep.
They want us to pick up some computer hacker in Camden.
Last name Farrel and first name Mattew.
-Whoa, whoa, Camden? Why didn't you tell me this before?
Come on, it's like 3 O'clock in the morning. I'm just on my way home.
Just send one of the ____s from the academy. They'd be happy to
go to pick this kid up.
-I can't just send any human form.
The feds demanded a senior detective.
The kid's a high value subject, I don't know.
Just pick him up, escort him to the Hoover building in DC.
They had some kind of a computer breach there this morning.
-Great. Alright. Bad information. Alright give me that name again,
what is it? You owe me one check.

-Plan B, We do it ourselves.

-Who is it?
-NYPD, open the door, please.
-NYPD? Oh, I get it. Um..I'll help you out.
Don't worry about it. Everyone gets lost around here.
But I'll tell you. Take..
-Hey, I'm not lost.
(Are) You Matt Farrell? Mattew Farrell?
-No, He, uh.., actually does not live here any more.
-Of course not. Who are You?
-My name is Daisy Duke. Got a lot of shit for when I was kid.
Please don't act to it.
Can I see some Identification, please?
-Yeah, sure.
-Oh, detective! Yeah, that looks real. Where did you get that?
Toy's R(거꾸로) us?<<장난감가계
Looks great.
-And of course
-Yeah....that...that actually looks pretty good.
-uh huh.

-Hey Farrell, selli just "pdled" a new copy of the uh.."Kill Zone 918" out yet,
you wanna check it out?
-No, thanks though, man. Good luck kiddo. Bad timing.(숨기려는듯이)
-Open the door.

-What's this about?
-I don't know.
some kind of computer thing.
DC feds wanna talk to you, so...
let's go.
-Feds, huh?
-yeah, the feds.

-And one half for 4 years
Once you're on that goddamn list.
-Play with dolls?
-Uh..please not touch that.
-Like a GI Joe
-No nonono it's not. It's a limited edition
-Is that supposed to come off?
-No, it's not supposed to...but
it's lot more valuable when it's broken, so
thanks for that.
-Yeah crazy ___shirts..very important
-I got some other cool shit in here if you wanna
break that.
-Let's go, okay? Come on.
-I gotta power down my gear. Okay?
-not spending whole lot of time with the girls, huh?
-Hey, are you really trying to escape?

-Bend your head down.
-Go! go! come on!
Go! go! lay down!
Come on!

Stay down, alright?
Stay down
You stay with me, alright?

-That's gonna wake the neighbors
Get down! Get inside! Get down!
-The back of the room!
The back of the room!
-Are you nuts?
Get out of there right now!
-I'm trying!

-Take a right!

-Prepare to run

-What the hell was that?
-Did you do that?
-I didn't do it
Come on
-Come on, let's go
Come on!

Come on!
-Slow it down!
Oh my god
-Come on!
Stay close
Stay with me
Stay with me
Come on! Let's go
Stay close
Get in the car, go!
Go! now!
Kid, can you reload the gun?
-What, me?
-Can you reload the gun?
-Uhh yeah
-Open the glove box and
get a magazine out of the thing right now!

-Did you see that?
-I saw. I did it!
Camden base 10077
Come back,
Camden base 10077
-Camden base, go ahead
-I need to speak to your
chiefier detectives. It's police
-Stand by
-This is chief detective Wismen.
-Chief detective, this is detective
John McClane, NYPD.
Police emergency on a report
A police shooting in New Jersey diction.

-You tell him.
-What's the status?
-We lost him.
Three of our men are dead
-Thomas, we got a problem in New Jersey
Farrell's still alive.
-So he got away.
-I did send five of you, is that right?
-Yes, but they was someone else.
-I'm sending a chopper. Just get here aboard
We'll track him down. Think you can handle that?

-Oh my god, he's breathing.
-I am breathing. just can't stop shaking.
-It's the adrenaline. You're just scared. It'll past
-Geez, I'm scared.
Weren't you scared? back there?
-Yeah. I was scared.
-Really? This is you being scared?
I don't know you seem really calm.
Have you ever done stuff like that before?

-Stuff like what?
-Like killing people.
-Yeah. Not for long time.
-So who are those guys, huh?
Why are they trying to kill you,
Why did they boom my goddamn apartment?

-They were there to kill you.
-Why did they wanna kill me?
-You tell me, kid. You're the criminal.

-We got seven dead hackers so far.
None of them whom were high on our list.
Collect the hard drive. Start sweeping them.

-Yes, sir.

-Trey, Mattew Farrell.
Find him for me.
-On it.
What's with all the guns?

-Operational prudence.
Think of them as hardware to your software.

-Good morning, DC. Well it's shaping to be another
beautiful fourth of July weekend. If you got the big
plans, better get started early. Because it looks like
the traffic is cramping up. So here's another golden
knolding for all the commuters out there.

-What, what? what are you doing?
What is that?
-It's cruvence
-Crevence clue revival
Classic rock
-I know who it is. It's old rock
it doesn't make a classic.
But sucked back then, still sucks now.
-You don't like crevence?
-This is like having a pinekyung(?)
shoving my ass.
Okay. Really?
Wow that's mature. Come on, man.
I'm cooperating with you.

-We're out of heading of 0 6 0
making another path

-Listen up, everyone.
Are you ready?

-Transportation hubs are prepared and set.
-Begin stage 1.

-Hey, hey wait a minute, hold on

-When was the last time you remember turning
on the radio for popular music? or just give me a
decade. 70s? I'm guessing it's when Mikel Jackson
was still black? Pearl Jem. I'll go back 10 years with you.
10 years. or 20 years, The Cure. nothing?

-It's called news radio. I'm trying to see
if any of your friends from Camden made the headline.
-Hold on. You listen to the news.
-You got a problem with the news now?
-Yeah, I got a big goddamn problem with the news.
You ready for this? The news is completely manipulated.
Everything you hear every single day is designed by
Corporate media to do one thing, and one thing only.
-To keep you living in fear.
-Oh fear?
-Total fear! Fear, so you'll go out and you'll spend money on things
Things you probably don't even need. Things you probably already have
six of, so that their advertisement keep finance on their stations. So
you want more things. Are you ready for this?
I'll do this all day, man. I got days of day/night if you don't believe me.
-Okay I'll drop a bomb and you figure the ____
-Shut up
-That's good. That's good. Be dismissed of Mr. _____

-You alright?
-NO! I'm not alright
-Stay in the car. You'll be alright.
Hey man. Hey
How are you doing, you alright?
Don't move. Just call 911 alright?

All the lights are green.
-All the lights are green.
-What? where?
-Let's go, right now.
-You're gonna go?
-Get your bag, Hackwood.
Let's go.
-This is crazy.
-Let's go, Let's go
-I never abandon cars.
-You alright? Well, race starts.
Here we go, this way
Come on
-Have you abandoned your cars?
-Yeah, I abandoned the car.
-What are we doing?
-It's a little thing they invented back in 60s
called "jogging" and you're gonna love it.
Come on.

-Sir, Chicago is reporting the system crash
on the altering network.
-Down track is flashing level 1 crash in their
comp(uter) system.
-FAA issued a critical alert. Their ITC net
just went down.
-We're under attack.

-Okay. Let's get them outside for a little fresh air
-That's the ____ alarm.
-Alright, everyone out, now. now!
Move, go Move!

-All personel must evacuate and proceed
to defense transportation suttles immediately.
This is not ____(실제상황이라는말)

-Take the team, ____on the 4th floor, got it?
Matt, John (손짓)

-You got it all cared, okay?
monitor on ______as ___crashes down.
see if we can id the position of origin.

-Begin stage 2

-Hey, what's going on?
That was going up!

-They're already starting to panic.
-Of course they are.
They think that someone's taking their money.
All those nickels and dimes they saved had meaning.
-You spell idiots as my name would say.
-Prep(are) the video package.

-DC transportation systems crashing and they just hit
the entire financial sector. Everything, all of them
-Give me the secretary of trans(portation) and treasury on the line
in the ___ of FCC.
Let's go, people.
Somewhere, somebody, let the digital fingerprint find it!

-(is)Deputy director Bowman in here?
-Not now. You'll have to wait.
-Not today, Waxworks. This is Mattew Farrell.
I brought him on direct orders from Bowman.
So if you don't know what the hell's going on go find me
somebody who does.
-I'm Bowman.

-Video package is ready for upload.
-Listen. John, I appreciate for bringing Farrell in here
but everything has changed this morning and we are necked
deep down in this control right now.

-Excuse me, I'm sorry, sir. Do you have anything to eat
and kind of snacks around? I would love.. I mean I would love
light sugar, you know.

1 고운모래  
  으헉... 이걸 댓글로... 대단하십니다.
더구나 비교적 정확하신 편입니다. 비교 참조하는데 정말 많은 도움이 될 것 같아요.<BR><BR>근데, CD1은 벌써 오래 전에 번역 끝나서 별로 도움이 안될 겁니다... <BR>루저님의 청취력이 보통이 아니시라서 말이죠... CD2도 이미 상당 부분 진행 중...<BR><BR>그러니 이왕이면, CD1은 그만하시고<BR>차라리 CD2를 너무 늦기 전에 빨리 댓글로 달아주면 비교 참조용으로는 굉장히 도움이 될거여요. (CD2를 대충 반으로 잘라서 후반부를 먼저 포스팅하고, 전반부는 그 다음에... 이런 식으로요.) <BR><BR>이렇게 도와주셔서 감사드립니다. 앞으로도 종종 부탁드릴께요.^^
1 고운모래  
  몇가지 부분에 대한 2nd guess 는 아래와 같습니다.<BR><BR>
<P style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Gulim,AppleGothic,sans-serif">are you the sexy voice --> I knew that sexy voice.<BR>Ok, open the black hack files.<BR>So, here's another golden oldie for all the commuters out there.<BR>This is like having a pine cone shoved in my ass.</P>
1 고운모래  
  참, 자료실에 다이하드 4 한글 자막이 벌써 떴는데, 그걸 보니 영어의 유머를 아시는 루저님의 글솜씨가 정말 가히 일품이로구나라는 생각, 다시 한번 들더군요.^^ 다들 기대하셔도 좋을 겁니다. 아마도 영화 감상 자체가 틀립겁니다. 자막에도 만약 품격이란 게 있다면, 그 품격이 틀린 것 같아요.
S MacCyber  
  암튼 두분 모두 화이링~ 입니다  <IMG src="http://www.cineast.co.kr/zboard/miniwini.visualEditor/emoticons/nate024.gif" align=absMiddle border=0>
1 고운모래  
CD2 도 종료... 
v1.0  끝났습니다. v2.0 은 약 일주일 후....<BR>루저님 죄송, 갑작스런 일로 너무 바빠서리...
1 쿵쉑쉑쉑더붐  
  정말 대단하신 분들이에요~
1 고운모래  
  이벤 준비로... 잠시 지연되며 초읽기...
1 고운모래  
  출시 완료!<BR><BR><A href="http://www.cineast.co.kr/zboard/view.php?id=data1&amp;page=1&amp;sn1=&amp;divpage=13&amp;sn=off&amp;ss=on&amp;sc=off&amp;select_arrange=headnum&amp;desc=asc&amp;no=76702">http://www.cineast.co.kr/zboard/view.php?id=data1&amp;page=1&amp;sn1=&amp;divpage=13&amp;sn=off&amp;ss=on&amp;sc=off&amp;select_arrange=headnum&amp;desc=asc&amp;no=76702</A>
1 shue79  
  감사합니다!! 잘 보겠습니다^^