[정보] Win-xp에서 G400,G450 DVDmax 사용 방법


[정보] Win-xp에서 G400,G450 DVDmax 사용 방법

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winxp에서 DVDmax 기능 선택시 오류메세지 뜨더군요 dll 관련 오류^^;;
고민하던 중 매트록스 홈페이지에 이와 관련 글이 있더군요.
저두 이와 같은 방법으로 하니 별 문제가 없더군요. 정식 드라이버 나올때까지 별 무리는 없을 듯
윈xp의 정식 출시가 아마 10월경인듯....

--- 펀 글(출처: 매트록스 홈페이지) ---
After lots of buggy bull****, I got em to work !  I got the latest Windows 2000 drivers to work in Windows XP beta version 2526 with my Matrox G400 Duelhead. When I say got em to work, i mean got DVDMAX (output to my tv), multidisplay, clone and all to work flawlessly
Now I will tell you what worked for me and my G400, and hopefully it will help all you other peeps who are desperately seeking drivers for xp.

Install the latest 2000 drivers and they should install no problem, and the card runs on em no problem, multidisplay will pop up and run no problem. BUT, dvdmax and clone is another story. For DVDmax/clone try this.

To get dvdmax to work, (back click on your desktop, go to properties) then go to settings and then to advanced, and then to duelhead. Now that should have all been with no problems, here is where the bugs pop up.

Click on "Duelhead Clone or DVDmax"

Now it might pause and not let you click there, keep trying or clcik to a different section then go back and try again, but eventually you will probably get a window error box pop up saying "Run DLL as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the convienience."
(and it will ask you to send an error report, send it or not) but after this it will close the window with the settings.

But it is ok, because when you go back and select "Duelhead clone or DVDmax" again the screen will flash for a second, and you will get no error. Now hit "apply"

Then select "use dvdmax." You will get that same error again and it will close.

BUT go back and do it again and the screen will flash and it will work, and then hit ok and clcik "apply." Then you have it

Now you may have to repeat these steps or even reinstall the drivers a few timesa nd repeat the steps, but it will work! Mess around with it enough and it works.

I now have no problems playing divx, dvd, mpeg out to my tv, and no problems with my card in general. I hope everyone else has luck with this.

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