결혼하는데도 영어가 필요하네요 엉엉 T.T


결혼하는데도 영어가 필요하네요 엉엉 T.T

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담달에 결혼하는데 주례를 미쿡에 오래계신 아버님 아시는 분께서 봐주시기로 하셨어요

그래서 협의차 저랑 이메일을 몇번 주고 받았었는데

갑자기 결혼 예식 샘플을 보내 주시면서 당신이 하시면 '나이 든 사람이라' 번역이 매끄럽지 못할것 같으니 젊은 취향에 맞게 번역해서 보내 달라고 하시네요;;

헐;; 근데 전 영어라면 완전 쥐내려서 짐 이틀째 손 대다가 전혀 매끄럽지 못하고 더 뒤죽박죽 되는것 같아 죽겠습니다 ㅠㅠ;

혹시 뽐게에 영어 잘하시는 분 안계실까요??

저 좀 도와주세요~ 도와주시는 분께 제가 다른건 드릴게 없고 약소하나마 GS25에서 이용가능한 기프티콘 쏴 드릴께요 ^^;;

낼정도까진 보내 드려야는데 답답해 미칠지경 ㅠㅠ;


CANDLE LIGHTING (by mothers)


___________________________ and __________________________

You are here today with your family and friends, to declare publicly your love for each other, and to be joined in marriage.  It is a sacred covenant, for it is the declaration of your hearts, built upon your faith and love experience, and enriched now by your solemn declaration of love.

Marriage is a covenant of love.  It calls for respect, esteem, and concern; for comfort in trouble, for joy in achievement, for mutuality in all things.  The love of which we speak, is patent; it looks for ways of being constructive.  This love respects the individuality of each person in the marriage relationship.  It rejoices with all good people when truth prevails.  It knows no limi8t to its endurance; there is no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything.  This love forever remains, when all else has failed.


The harmony of marri ed life will be yours, if you listen to each other, and speak to each other with honesty.  If you are to reap the fruits of a relationship built on love, you must continuously sow seeds of kindness, respect, compassion and trust.  So treated, the love you feel and declare today, will continue to grow stronger in the years to come.


A good marriage must be created.  In the art of marriage, the little things are the big things.  It is never being too old to hold hands.  It is always remembering to say: I love you at least once a day.  It is never going to sleep angry.   It is having a mutual faith, a sense of values and common objectives.  It is standing together facing the world.  It is forming a circle of love and community that gathers in the whole family.  It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.   It is having the capacity to forgive and to forget.   It is giving each other the space in which each can grow.  It is finding room for the things of the spirit.  It is not only marrying the right partner; it is being the right partner.


________/________, will you take __________/__________ to be your wife/husband?

Will you love and respect her/him always?

Will you stand by her/him through whatever may come?

Will you be faithful to her/him as long as you both shall live?

(Yes, I will )


Do you give them your blessings and welcome them into your families, and promise to support and care for them in their marriage?

(Yes, we do)


__________ / _____ ____ , I take you to be my wife/husband to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health.  I will laught with you in joy, grieve with you in sorrow, to grow with you in love, and to be faithful to you alone, as long as we both live.


From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love.  An unbroken and never ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love, that is never ending.  As often as either of you looks at your ring, may you be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you have made today.

____________/_____________ I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and marriage.

With all that I am and all that I have I pledge you my honour, and my love.



_______________ and ____________, we have heard you promise to share your lives in marriage.  We recognize and respect the covenant you have made, and so in the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done before your family and friends. Therefore, I declare ___________ and _________ are husband and wife.

Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you.  Go now and enter the days of your life together.  And may your days be good and long upon the earth.  

You may be wise and loving parents to any children you may have.

Go forth to meet life gladly.  Love life, so that life will love you.

Now, the marriage vows may be sealed with a kiss.


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1 토거슨  
후.. 배우는 입장이지만 한번 도전해보겠습니다

뭐.. 순서가 적혀있는데요;; 번역은 하겠습니다만

이런 글은 번역해본적이없어 문장이 어색합니다. 다듬는건 본인께서 수고를 ^^;;



CANDLE LIGHTING (by mothers)

촛불 점화 ( 어머니 )

행렬 성가

___________________________ and __________________________

추가 사항인듯 합니다.

You are here today with your family and friends, to declare publicly your love for each other, and to be joined in marriage.  It is a sacred covenant, for it is the declaration of your hearts, built upon your faith and love experience, and enriched now by your solemn declaration of love.

여러분(루세님 부부인듯합니다)은 오늘 여러분의 상대에 대한 사랑을 공공연하게 알리고, 결혼하게 되어  여러분의 가족과 친구들과 함께 이곳에 있습니다 . 이것은 신성한 약속입니다 - 여러분 심장에게의 약속로서 , 
,여러분 믿음과 사랑 경험(?뭔지 잘모르겠네요 love experience..) , 그리고 당신의 엄숙한 선언에 의해

Marriage is a covenant of love.  It calls for respect, esteem, and concern; for comfort in trouble, for joy in achievement, for mutuality in all things.  The love of which we speak, is patent; it looks for ways of being constructive.  This love respects the individuality of each person in the marriage relationship.  It rejoices with all good people when truth prevails.  It knows no limi8t to its endurance; there is no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything.  This love forever remains, when all else has failed.

결혼은 사랑의 약속입니다. 그것은 신뢰 , 존중 , 그리고 관계(걱정도 됩니다만 어느게어울릴련지)로 불리지요. 트러블에 대한 안락 , 성공으로써의 행복 , 그리고 모든것에 대한 관계를 위해서. 이 결혼에서 이 사랑이란 각자에 대한 individuality (뜻이 상당히 많아서 꼭찝어뭔지모르겠습니다. 이익이라고 주로씁니다.)을 믿습니다.그것은 모든 좋은 사람들과 진실이 통용할 때 기쁜것이죠(축하하는것이죠). 그것은 사랑에는 인내의 끝이란 없다는것을 말합니다(know 부분 의역했습니다. 직역으론 어색) ; 신뢰엔 끝이없으며 ,
소망에는 시듦이 없습니다 ; 그것은 모든것보다 오래갈 수 있습니다 . 모든게 실패할 때에도 이 사랑은 영원히 지속됩니다 (단어가 빠진것같네요 even if 가 없다면 문장이 이상해지는..)


신랑 신부에게

The harmony of marri ed life will be yours, if you listen to each other, and speak to each other with honesty.  If you are to reap the fruits of a relationship built on love, you must continuously sow seeds of kindness, respect, compassion and trust.  So treated, the love you feel and declare today, will continue to grow stronger in the years to come.

결혼생활의 하모니가 너희 들 것이 될것이다 , 너희들이 다른사람에게 귀를 기울이고 , 다른 사람에게 정직하게 대할때. 너희가 만약 사랑에 의해 생긴 관계의 과실을 수확하고 싶다면 , 너희는 꼭 친절, 신뢰 ,연민 그리고 믿음이란 씨를 계속 심어야 한다. 그렇게 다뤄진다면 오늘 너희가 느끼고 선포하는 이 사랑이 오는 해에도 더 강해질거야.


결혼의 美(직역하면 이렇지만.. 그대로 받아들이진마세요)

A good marriage must be created.  In the art of marriage, the little things are the big things.  It is never being too old to hold hands.  It is always remembering to say: I love you at least once a day.  It is never going to sleep angry.  It is having a mutual faith, a sense of values and common objectives.  It is standing together facing the world.  It is forming a circle of love and community that gathers in the whole family.  It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.  It is having the capacity to forgive and to forget.  It is giving each other the space in which each can grow.  It is finding room for the things of the spirit.  It is not only marrying the right partner; it is being the right partner.
좋은 결혼은 이루어져야만 합니다. 결혼의 미에서는 , 작은것들도 큰 것입니다. It is never being too old to hold hands (이해못하겠어요ㅠㅠ) 그것은 항상 " 마지막날까지 당신을 사랑해. " 라고 말하는걸 기억하는것이죠.그건 절대로 화난채로 잠자리로 가는게 아닙니다. 그것은 상호 믿음을 가지고있습니다-가치와 일반적 목적에. 그것은 같이 서서 세상을 대하는것이죠. -이부분부터 모두 직역합니다 it is 라는구문이 너무많이 쓰여서 문장이 좀 어색하네요 - 그것은 온가족에서 모이는 사랑과 커뮤니티의 원형을 형성합니다. 그것은 감사와 감사하는 마음의 증명을 사려깊은 방법으로써 말하는 것입니다. 그것은 잊는것과 포기하는것의 권한을 갖고있습니다. 그것은 서로에게 서로가 성장할수있는 공간을 주는것이죠. 그것은 영혼을 위한 방을 찾는것입니다. 그것은 꼭 맞는 상대와 결혼하는것 뿐만아니라 꼭 맞는 상대가 되는것이죠.

(... 죽겠네이거

맞게는 하고잇는건가)

결혼할 의지의 선언

________/________, will you take __________/__________ to be your wife/husband?
뭐.. 잘아시죠? 루세, 당신은 (      )분을 아내로 맞이하실 것입니까?

Will you love and respect her/him always?
그녀를 항상 사랑하고 믿을 것입니까?

Will you stand by her/him through whatever may come?
어떠한 일이 닥치더라고 그녀옆에 설것입니까?

Will you be faithful to her/him as long as you both shall live?
살아있는동안만큼 그녀에게 정직할것입니까?

(Yes, I will )
네. 그러겠습니다

파트너에 대한 약속과 축복의 말

Do you give them your blessings and welcome them into your families, and promise to support and care for them in their marriage?
여러분은 저들에게 축복과 가족으로서 받아들이고 , 그들의 결혼을 지원하고 돌볼것을 약혹합니까?

(Yes, we do)

네, 그러겠습니다

서약 교환

__________ / _____ ____ , I take you to be my wife/husband to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health.  I will laught with you in joy, grieve with you in sorrow, to grow with you in love, and to be faithful to you alone, as long as we both live.
(      ) , 나는 당신을 오늘부터아내로 맞아 앞으로 좋을때나 나쁠때나 부유할때나 가난할때나 아플때나 건강할때나 (함께할것입니다->직역상은 없습니다) .우리가 모두 살아있는동안 즐거울때는 같이 웃고 슬플때는 아파하고 사랑속에서 자랄것이며 당신만을 사랑할것입니다

링 세레모니

From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love.  An unbroken and never ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love, that is never ending.  As often as either of you looks at your ring, may you be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you have made today.

이건 세레모니에 대한건데.. 처음해보는지라 매끄럽게 못하겠습니다 죄송합니다.

태초부터 , 원은 완벽의 상징이었으며 사랑완성의 상징이었습니다. 부숴지지않고 끝나지않는 원은 사랑의 결의를 상징하며 그것은 끝나지않습니다. 당신의 반지를 볼때마다 당신은 아마도 오늘의 서로에 대한 사랑에 대한 결의를 되새길것입니다

이부분은 하지않겠습니다 다 똑같은 말이니까요.

직접 한번 지어보시는게 어떠시겠어요? 한국어로 하시는거니

어렵지않을거에요 ^^

____________/_____________ I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and marriage.

With all that I am and all that I have I pledge you my honour, and my love.

촛불 점화식

선언과 막

_______________ and ____________, we have heard you promise to share your lives in marriage.  We recognize and respect the covenant you have made, and so in the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done before your family and friends. Therefore, I declare ___________ and _________ are husband and wife.

Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you.  Go now and enter the days of your life together.  And may your days be good and long upon the earth. 

You may be wise and loving parents to any children you may have.

Go forth to meet life gladly.  Love life, so that life will love you.

Now, the marriage vows may be sealed with a kiss.

파트너에게 그리고 객들에게 인사

퇴장 성가.

후... 1시간 28분걸렸군요 이렇게 어려울줄몰랐습니다..

애니 한편 자막만들시간이군요 으아;;

쓰고보니 어설프군요 배경지식이없는지라..
1 토거슨  
.... 이미 늦었지않나 라는 생각에 패닉이... 어쨋든.. 재밌었습니다 결혼식글 첫도전.. 올해 고2 학생인만큼.. 문장이 어색합니다 양해해주시고 결혼을 정말로 축하드립니다 이쁜 아기보고싶네요 좀 크면 짜증나지만