좋은 평이 있기를 기대했지만 현실은 냉담했다.( IMDB에서 외국인의 D-war평 )


좋은 평이 있기를 기대했지만 현실은 냉담했다.( IMDB에서 외국인의 D-war평 )

1 HarDeath 8 5870 1
영화를 돈아깝지 않게 보았고 심감독을 응원하며 꼭 미국에서 성공하기를 기원했습니다.

오히려 우리 나라보다 미국에서 더 성공할지 모른다고 기대하기도 했습니다.

근래 심감독이 쇼프로 나오면서 "용가리가 무슨 국제적 망신을 시켰냐, 영화제에서 오줌을 쌌냐, 스파게티

먹고 돈을 안냈냐"며 농담을 하는 것을 자주 보았습니다.

물론 저는 D-war라는 영화를 통해 한국 sf의 희망을 가졌으므로 만족하고 심감독을 응원하는 마음이지만

현실은 어느정도 망신을 당하고 있는 것이 맞는 듯 싶습니다.

씨네스트 회원님들의 세계적 시야를 위해 외국인 평들만 좀 옮겨봤습니다.

제일 아래 프랑스인의 평이 젤 맘 아프더군요.

@ 핵심 부분 색칠이라도 하고 싶은데 기능이 없네요 죄송합니다. ^^;

funny how all the people from "south Korea" rated 10, 5 August 2007

Author: yinayun from United States

this movie was HORRENDOUS.

the story was cheesy and there was such a HUGE gap distinguishing the computer graphics and the live acting.

The comments above that gave 10's CLEARLY are biased because the director was Korean. That can be the only explanation for a person from Harvard University Films Studies to applaud this movie to such an extent; No?

I TOO am Korean and I watched the movie just yesterday but I refuse to be biased about it. I'll say it as it is, the movie was horrible.

The TRAILER was actually more entertaining than the movie itself. D-war just didn't meet my expectations.

Horrible movie - Top candidate for the Golden Raspberry Award, 5 August 2007

Author: hermapower from Italy

Went to see D-War with a couple of friends. Just expecting hardcore action, not the deep-sense-and-romantic-thing.

After, we felt ripped off. The trailers and other poster adverts (and the title) promise ways too much. The title is inappropriate : There is no war in that movie.

Had to flush it down with a couple of beers afterward.

Some people gave it a 10 star rating on IMDb !! Don't believe that !!

It was so boring. And the plot's execution is so dilettantish. At times I had to laugh, not because it was funny but because I felt embarrassed. It was just too ridiculous: The FBI appears out of nowhere; a sudden, obligatory kiss; sequences bluntly copied from 'StarWars' and 'Hidden Dragon'; characters appearing without us knowing what they are for ...

One of the most ridiculous things : The main actors are eternally chased in the city, they can never escape. But suddenly, somehow they managed to escape to Mexico. At that moment, I was about to leave the theater.


There are few basic rules with which you can easily turn a bad movie into a mediocre one. The director apparently doesn't know any of those. One of those rules is to let your actors act.

The actors : Under that director it was just impossible for them to develop any decent acting. Even if this is a debut movie for some of them, they may just have ruined their career. I feel so sorry for them.

That movie has the best conditions to become number 1 for the Golden Raspberry Award.

Do yourself a favour and don't bother ..., 4 August 2007

Author: Regina_Philange1979 from United Kingdom

*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

Well, on a whim my friends and I decided to see this. Mistake.

The movie kind of starts of interesting, talking about a Korean legend of Dragons. Fair enough. But when the villain came in with mythological beasts that were a poor man's rip off from movies such as LOTR, I lost interest. That and the fact that despite it being set (in this part) in medieval times, the beasts could launch rockets. Yes, rockets.

Then we cut to the present day, I thought at least with Jason Behr I'd have some eye candy. I'm shallow at times, but even this couldn't save it for me.

The snake/dragon had now been transported from Korea to being a fossil in Los Angeles. Of course. And Jason Behr just HAPPENED to recognise it. Because he had an ancient Korean medallion that led to a long and windy flashback, culminating in him being the reincarnation of the protector of a girl who had to be sacrificed in order for a GOOD serpent/Dragon to absorb her special energy thing and thus save the world. Riiiiiiight.

He manages to locate the reincarnated girl, and after 5 minutes together they're on a beach and having an obligatory kiss. He just HAPPENS to know a doctor who can help her to regress, to understand her dreams about the past.

Meanwhile, the FBI are searching for the girl. They eventually locate Jason Behr and the girl, they know all about the serpent because 'The FBI have a very good paranormal section' (Guess Mulder and Scully are still working?).

Anyway, they have to get to this cave, but before they do the bad nasty serpent and its owner find Sarah (the girl) and Mr Behr, transporting them to this magical realm (sooooo the point of the cave?) ...

The medallion grows a pretty colour, but Mr Behr doesn't really save the day. The girl does, it's horrendous and basically the movie made me groan.

The special effects, whilst I suppose I should commend them, are light years behind other movies.

Overall it's a bad, bad movie that hopefully will NOT be released in other countries.

I wonder if Jason Behr regrets making it .. because I know I would if I were in it.

The rating is biased by (nationalist) Koreans - that movie is really bad and boring, 5 August 2007

Author: nagatire from France

Don't be motivated by the rating of that movie. It's biased by the (nationalist) Koreans who want to support 'their' director. Ridiculous. Koreans are well known for such childish behavior (When Korea dropped out of the soccer world cup 2006, Koreans attacked the FIFA server so heavily that FIFA had to block all IP addresses from Korea ...)

To put is short, this movie is bad.

And boring.

This movie is not just a wannabe mix of Hollywood's StarWars, Lord of the Rings, Black Hawk Down and Jurassic Part. No, it's a very, very bad wannabe mix of all that. With all respect, Mr Shim, what have you been doing over the past 5 years of directing that movie ?

I think he wanted to do the sort of epic sci-fi action movie. But for that you need much more than just a cluster of mega-flop computers. Instead of relying on actors, the director relied on computer power. Even worse, the director tries to impress the audience by showing some selected martial art sequences which are nothing but blunt copies of 'Crouchint tiger, hidden dragon'. Those sequences don't even fit into the overall making style of the movie.

For sure we can not reward this director for finding new and innovative ways of action-movie making.

What the sci-fi action thrillers Jurassic Parc and Co. have in common is at least a decent plot, thrilling moments and some good, authentic acting. But this movie doesn't have any of that.

Moreover, the actors don't reveal any special characteristic of the person they act. It's so sterile. A kiss, what even in mediocre movies is a long suspected and awaited moment comes here as an unexpected sudden and sterile act (at the beach ... how romantic) The director should have used the computer for the main actors as well, it wouldn't have made any difference and he could have saved time and money.

No thrills, no surprising moments, no dramatic, nothing.

Don't waste your time on that movie. I recommend to rent a DVD of Jurassic Parc 1 instead. Even if you saw that one already 4 times.
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1 고운모래  
너무 가슴 아파하실 필요없어요... <BR><BR>보기 싫으면 보지 말라고 하면 되지요... <BR><BR>기껏 영화 싫컷 잘 보고 나서는 왜 월드컵이 어쩌고 하면서 엉뚱한 한국을 비웃고 조롱하는지...<BR><BR>영화 얘기나 할 것이지, 니편 네편 가리면서 국가 이야기는...<BR><BR>지네 나라 영화는 얼마나 대단하고 훌륭하다고... 그런 식으로 하면 쓰레기 천지두만...<BR><BR>얼빠진 놈들.
1 삐루  
  외국 개봉을 하지도 않았는데 외국인의 반응에 관심둘 필요까지야.....

고운모래님 안녕하시죠 ? ^^;
1 고운모래  
  네... 삐루님 방가.<BR><BR>일부 영화제에서 일찍 개봉한 곳도 있나 봅니다. 아님 말고...<BR><BR>
<TABLE cellPadding=2 border=0>
<TD><B><A href="http://www.imdb.com/Recent/Germany"><FONT color=#0000ff><U>Germany</U></FONT></A></B></TD>
<TD align=right><A href="http://www.imdb.com/BusinessThisDay?day=8&amp;month=February"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>8 February</FONT></U></A> <A href="http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/2007/"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>2007</FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD>(European Film Market)</TD></TR>
<TD><B><A href="http://www.imdb.com/Recent/France"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>France</FONT></U></A></B></TD>
<TD align=right><A href="http://www.imdb.com/BusinessThisDay?day=20&amp;month=May"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>20 May</FONT></U></A> <A href="http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/2007/"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>2007</FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD>(Cannes Film Market)</TD></TR>
<TD><B><A href="http://www.imdb.com/Recent/South%20Korea"><FONT color=#0000ff><U>South Korea</U></FONT></A></B></TD>
<TD align=right><A href="http://www.imdb.com/BusinessThisDay?day=1&amp;month=August"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>1 August</FONT></U></A> <A href="http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/2007/"><FONT color=#0000ff><U>2007</U></FONT></A></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#0000ff><U></U></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD><B><A href="http://www.imdb.com/Recent/USA"><FONT color=#0000ff><U>USA</U></FONT></A></B></TD>
<TD align=right><A href="http://www.imdb.com/BusinessThisDay?day=14&amp;month=September"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>14 September</FONT></U></A> <A href="http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/2007/"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>2007</FONT></U></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1 고운모래  
  진짜 슬픈 건 이런겁니다.<BR><BR>아래는 어느 한국인이 남긴 글입니다. 영화에 실망을 했건 뭐건 다른 건 다 좋습니다. 하지만, 한국인들이 상처받지 않게 배려하는 마음으로 조심스럽게 객관적으로 평을 하고자 노력한 "하버드대 연극영화과" 소속의 어느 외국인의 전문적인 평을 굳이 자기가 나서서 그렇게까지 비양거려야 하는 이유가 뭘까요? 모르긴 몰라도, 북한 공작원 아니면 조국에 사무친 원한을 가지고 미국으로 도망간 자이거나 조국에 상당한 편견과 교육을 받고 자라난 교포 2세인가 봅니다. 하여간에 슬픕니다.<BR><BR><BR><STRONG>funny how all the people from "south Korea" rated 10</STRONG>, 5 August 2007<BR><IMG height=12 alt=1/10 src="http://i.ec.imdb.com/images/showtimes/10.gif" width=102><BR>
<DIV class=small>Author: <A href="http://www.imdb.com/user/ur16294642/comments"><U><FONT color=#800080>yinayun</FONT></U></A> <SMALL><FONT size=2>from United States</FONT></SMALL> </DIV>
<P>this movie was HORRENDOUS. <BR><BR>the story was cheesy and there was such a HUGE gap distinguishing the computer graphics and the live acting. <BR><BR>The comments above that gave 10's CLEARLY are biased because the director was Korean. That can be the only explanation for a person from Harvard University Films Studies to applaud this movie to such an extent; No?<BR><BR>I TOO am Korean and I watched the movie just yesterday but I refuse to be biased about it. I'll say it as it is, the movie was horrible.<BR><BR>The TRAILER was actually more entertaining than the movie itself. D-war just didn't meet my expectations. <BR><BR>--------------------------------<BR><BR><STRONG>PREVIEW screened !</STRONG>, <FONT size=2><SMALL>21 January 2006</SMALL><BR><IMG height=12 alt=10/10 src="http://i.ec.imdb.com/images/showtimes/100.gif" width=102><BR><SMALL>Author:</SMALL></FONT> <A href="http://www.imdb.com/user/ur7317159/comments"><U><FONT color=#0000ff>glamm2000</FONT></U></A> <FONT size=2><SMALL>from KOREA</SMALL><BR></FONT></P>
<P>Over the weekend, I had a chance to visit with Korean filmmaker /director, Mr.Shim Hyung Rae here in Korea, home to the Yonggu Arts and Entertainment Company. As we toured the rather spacious Digital Production studios located in a secluded area near Kimpo Airport , I got a sense of what really happens behind the scenes during the post production phased of a CGI film. D-WAR's the title of his latest movie and dragon war props appeared everywhere and were used in several sequences of the sci-fi thriller, five years in the making . Although I knew that Shim Hyung-Rae had a "reputation" that preceded him, I could not help but wonder if D-WAR was simply a remake of his previous movie aptly called REPTILIAN. After the first five minutes into the extended preview of D-WAR however, I knew that such conceptions I had of a boring remake was not only far fetched but a misnomer. The way computer science and technology are mastered here made it perfectly clear that the director has come a long , long way from REPTILIAN, a very low grossing film. Not only does Mr. SHim succeed in the use of a real plot this time but he casts real American actors not to mention a compelling drama that takes us back 500 years to a period of ancient history known as the Chosun Dynasty. <BR><BR>But the director's "message" is just as relevant as it works it way through to present day Los Angeles. Even Mr. Shim himself is convinced that he's no longer a "mediocre" film maker as he plys his trade as a creative tour-de-force in directing CGI films.<BR><BR>Will D-WAR defy any other description other than a "blockbuster" ? That question remains to be answered since the movie is set to be released this summer when we all get the chance to experience the absolute conquest of mankind . I did breathe a sigh of relief during a private screening and I was able to see some familiar faces on the big screen. The movie cast includes American actors such as dreamy Jason Behr and the hero Ethan Kendricks who must save Los Angeles from an army of ATROX soldiers.<BR><BR>I figured most of the ATROX droids,clad in black armour were probably cheaper by the dozen to hire but as I found out later they were not hired extras but life size figures that were made from heavy metals and stored safely for future takes ! That was enough to convince me that there seemed to be a greater magnitude to this sci-fi flick than meets the eye.<BR><BR>There's even a newborn baby that appears all too real but she too was made from an incredibly realistic computer rendered model. I took careful production notes about the advanced computer animation process that was used and I was also shown how the crying baby was preserved in glass and an exact replica of someone's first born.<BR><BR>As we winded up the tour, the most pressing question in my mind was what becomes a legend most for Mr. Shim, a long time veteran in the film making business who has made over 20 films. The answer seemed to emanate from his most ambitious project: The I-M-O-O-G-I-'s of course! That's a Korean word for a mythical creature that evolved over time and it's in D WAR that the IMOOGI attempts to morph into a defiant dragon.<BR><BR>In closing, I'd rate D WAR a solid B+ for its exciting visuals and explosive scenes that keeps a pace all its own. Also in production for Mr. Shim's next movies are GOSEONG LEGEND and a computer animation feature based on the life of myriad fishes in the sea.<BR><BR>ANNONG !<BR><BR>IRENE NAKANO /HARVARD U. FILM STUDIES( e-mail me: yonsei @ mac.com ) </P>
1 고운모래  
  세계적 시야요 ?<BR><BR>아직 개봉도 안했는데... 세계적 시야 어쩌고 하기에는 이르죠...<BR><BR>외국인들에게 얼마나 개망신을 당할까를 걱정하실 게 아니라, 외국인들의 칭찬이나 격려를 오히려 조롱하는 한국인들이 있기에 그걸 마음 아파하셔야 합니다. <BR><BR>단지 그 영화를 자기와 같은 한국인이 만들었다는 그 이유 하나만으로 말이죠.
3 영화나 볼까  
  다들 덜떨어진 인간들 같구만.
누가 FIFA 서버를 공격했다고 G랄이야.
그리고 쥬라식 팍 빌려다 보라구? 너나 많이 봐라.
난 디워가 더 재미있더만!

저도 모래님 방가 ㅎㅎ
1 일타오백  
  다들 이게 무슨 날리래요!?

우리는 외국 사이트에 한글로 답변하면 어떨까요!? ㅎㅎㅎ

아마 그들도 구글같은 자동번역기 찾아 대충 해석하며! "음! 이정도 뜻이군"

할 것 같은데요.....

하여간 오랜만에 저도 방가 *^^*
1 밀양촌넘  
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