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내용이 너무 길어서 해석은 나중에 보완해서 올리겠습니다.


Apolo Anton Ohno got the Olympic gold medal for his performance in the
1,500-meter short track Wednesday night, but he didn't win it.
Ohno was nestled behind Korean Kim Dong-sung on the final lap when the
Seattle whiz-kid attempted to make his move. The soul-patched wonder
tried to take the South Korean on the inside, then threw his arms up in the
air as if to say, "Hey, I'm Apolo Anton Ohno! I'm supposed to win!"

--> 안톤오가 비록 연기로서 금메달을 땄지만 그는 진정한 금메달을 딴 것이 아니
다.. whiz kid(약삭빠른 놈, 혹은 소매치기), soul-pathced(영혼이 갈기갈기 조각
난) 등등의 표현을 쓰면서 안톤오노가 그의 팔을 추켜들면서 마치 "헤이, 난 아폴
로 안톤오노라구!! 난 금메달을 받기로 되어있다구!!"라고 말하는 듯 하다고 써놨

Kim crossed the finish line first with Ohno just behind him. The partisan
crowd at the Salt Lake Ice Center booed with the energy and enthusiasm of
the ugliest of ugly Americans. Kim was taking a victory lap with his
country's flag by the time Australian ref James Hewish made the pro-Ohno

김동성이 일등으로 들어온 순간 경기장은 광기에 사로잡힌 추한 미국인들중세더
고장 추한 미국인들의 야유로 뒤덮였고, 김동성이 태극기를 들고 세레모니를 하던
순간에 호주의 심판장 hewish가 오노의 금메달을 선언했다는 내용이고..

Kim Dong-sung of Korea looks down at his country's flag after learning that
he was disqualified in the 1,500-meter short track.
Lionel Cironneau /Associated Press 
김동성이 실격된 사실을 알고는 떨어뜨린 태극기를 내려다 보고 있었다..라는 내

Kim Dong-sung, the 22-year-old co-favorite, was disqualified for "cross-
tracking." I checked my handy pocket-sized International Skating Union
rulebook, and Rule 292 says that overtaking is allowed at all times, but the
burden for any obstruction or collision shall be on the skater who's doing
the overtaking as long as the skater who's being overtaken doesn't do
anything improper.
김동성이 크로스체킹으로 실격되는순간에 필자는 규정집핸드북을 들쳐보았고,
229조룰에 따르면 추월은 언제나 허용되지만, 앞선사람이 옳지않은 행동을 하지
않는 이상 방해나 충돌에 따른 책임은 전적으로 추월하려는 사람에게 있다는 규정
을 확인했고 하네요.

In my estimation, the only thing improper that Kim did was disappointing the
Americans that filled the arena.
필자의 추측하로는 김동성이 유일하게 잘못한게 있다면, 경기장을 가득해운 미국
인들을 실망시킨것 밖에 없답니다...  역시 멋진 표현..^^

It is a little suspicious that Kim was left out in the cold in the 1,500,given
Ahn Hyun-soo from Korea was the guy who started the 1,000-meter wipeout
on Saturday that left Ohno crawling across the finish line for silver.

The South Korean delegation wasn't thrilled with the DQ last night.

"In short-track speed skating, the ruling of the referee is final," Pierre
Eymann, ISU Sports coordinator for short-track speed skating, told me. "The
South Koreans wrote a formal protest and handed it to the referee, but it
handed right back."

This is another case of the caring, sensitive International Skating Union
at work for the best interest of its athletes.

At least one other skater in the finals thinks that the ref made the
Italy's Fabio Carta told the assembled media, "We should take care of Ohno
with a rifle. It's absurd that the Korean was disqualified."
-->그동안 많이 기사화된 카르타의 인용도 나오네요..

Even the ACLU might agree that mentioning firearms in that context at these
Olympic Games is a lot like shouting "Fire!" in a crowded movie theatre.
his anger is real, and he's not alone.

Overnight, the United States Olympic Committee received over 16,000 e-
mails about Ohno, mostly from South Korea. The threatening e-mails have
been turned over to the FBI for investigation. The anti-Ohno landslide was
enough to overload the USOC server and shut it down for nine hours

-->여기서부터 박용호앵커와 나누었던 얘기들이 나오는데, 참 멋진 말들을 많이
합니다...기자회견때 박단장보다는 박용호씨가 나가서 얘기를 했다면 좀더 설득력
이 있지 않았을까 하는 아쉬움이...

Curious about just how angry Koreans are, I wandered over to the Korean
Broadcast System (KBS) compound at the International Broadcast Center.
KBS anchor Young Ho-oh was happy to vent.

"Disqualification is not the right decision," Young said. "It's not just my
personal decision. We've been hearing from so many people. They didn't
even touch each other."

Mr. Young seems to be the voice of 48 million disgruntled Koreans back

"They are not happy at all. So many people are mad at the U.S. This is just
a game, but these Olympics are not fair," he complained to me. "That's the
problem. You guys have all the medals. So what? Big deal! If you guys
have the most medals, what does that mean? Everybody's going to forget
about it. But the people that sent e-mails to the USOC are never going to
forget this."
박용오씨의 멋진말: 당신들은 모든 메달을 가져갔어요..그래서 어쨌다구요?
모든 메달을 휩쓸어간다고 해서 어떤의미가 있는거져? 모든 사람들은 어차피 그
메달을 땄다는 사실을 잊게될테지만,  USOC에 메일을 보낸 사람들은 그것을 잊
지 못할겁니다...미국의 올림픽위원회에 항의메일을 보낸사람들을 지칭하는가 봅
니다..어쨌든 멋진표현.

He's not the first to notice how medal-driven we are as a country. Every
athlete here has a story. For many, the highlight of their career was
marching into Rice-Eccles Stadium for the opening ceremony. My friend
Jim Rome likes to say, "Scoreboard!" but it's really not appropriate at the
Olympic Games. These athletes have dedicated themselves, trained and
sacrificed while preparing for their few moments of glory, and medal or not,
they all win.

==>올림픽에 참가한 사람들은 짧은 영광의 순간을 위해서 자신을 희생하고 훈련
하면서 준비를 하지만, 메달을 따든 못따든 모두가 승자다! 라는 멋진말을 ^^

All but Kim Dong-sung. He finished first, then had his victory snatched away
by a hometown call.

"We see so many people who are so nice and doing so well, but you guys
pay too much attention to the medal race. This is amateur. Just for the
friendships, that's why people participate at the Olympics," Young told me,
echoing the kinds of statements made by American hero Jim Shea
yesterday. "We only have the two gold medals and you guys (USA) have so
many. Be nice and act like a big country. Be like big brothers. Be nice.

"You guys lose so much honor."
==> 많은 훌륭한 사람들을 이곳에서 보았지만, 너의 미국인들은 너무나 메달레이
스에 목매달고 있다..그러나 이것은 아마추어 경기이다. 다시말해서 우정과 친선
을 위한 것이란 말이다. 그것이 곧 사람들이 올림픽에 참가하는 이유다. 우리는단
지 두개의 금메달을 땄고, 너희들은 많은 금ㅁ달을 땄다. 큰나라답게 큰형답게 맘
을 곱게쓰고 넓은 마음을 가져라.... 너희들은 큰 명예를 잃었다..라고
씨가 말했다는군요..멋져멋져~

If the skate was on the other foot here, the ref would not have made thiscall,

as the Korean broadcaster points out: "If Ohno was in Kim's spot, would the
judge have still called for a disqualification? I don't think so."
==>오노가 김동성의 위치에 있었다면, 과연 심판이 실격을 선언했을까? 나는 그렇
게 생각하지 않는다..

Better yet, how about the identical situation, Ohno trying to pass Kim, at a
track in Seoul. The ref wouldn't have dared to make an anti-Korean call
저번 경기때 경기장에서의 야유는 김동성을 부시가 명명한  이란,이라크와 더불
어 악의축인 북한사람이라고 생각했기 때문이라고 하네요..

The boos in the arena had to be partly fueled by fans mistakenly believing
that Kim Dong-sung is from one of President Bush's "Axis of Evil" nations.
To be precise, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are on the Prez's hit list. Kim
from the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea, which is a U.S. ally.
At least they were an ally until Kim got rooked by the cabal of Ohno,
Hewish, the ISU, and the angry American mob. It's very fitting that Ohno and
Kim will skate head-to-head in the 500-meter short track Saturday night.
This is a weird sport that I'm only beginning to understand, but is it too
much to ask for a clean, controversy-free race?

 내용이 너무 많아서 중요부분만 일부 해석을 했습니다..시간많으신 분들쭈욱..읽
어 보시길.
암튼 미국언론사에도 균형잡힌 시각을 가진 양심적인 기자가 있어서 참 다행스럽
다는 생각이 듭니다~

영문으로 된 좋은 자료가 있으신분들은 꼭 그 글들을 미국 게시판에 퍼뜨려주시길 바랍니다.
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