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SBC Troubleshooting

First of all, when you're using FlaskMpeg and run into trouble during Frameserving simply switch over to DVD2AVI.. it may be a bit more complicated but it's way more powerful and most beta testers swear on DVD2AVI.

Why do I get a "Cannot load Sylia Script language (Sylia.dll) error?

Did you read the readme.doc in the Nandub distribution? It tells you to copy the files into your regular VirtualDub directory. Other than that you can get sylia.dll from a normal VirtualDub distribution and copy that in your nandub directory.

Output quality is not good

SBC isn't a wonder solution for good rips. It's a tool for advanced rippers which allows you to push the codec to it's limit when using the right parameters. My profiles are but a starting point.. you'll end up encoding the same movie many times to get the ideal rip. Take your time to try out various parameters and their influence on the final quality and you'll see what I mean. Pay special attention to the DRF settings, these are most important. Also.. you can't expect a 3h+ movie to look good on one CD unless you use VCD-like resolutions. Another issue is that SBC is designed for full movies, not test clips. It will analyzed the file in the first pass in order to be able to better distribute the bits. If you have a test encoding it might well be that the scene you use won't get as many bits as in te full movie because the program could take bits from other scenes when you're making a full movie.

Why are my resizing settings gone when I load a profile?

The profile saves every option in VirtualDub, including filter setup. Even if I didn't put any filters in the profile it will still delete your setup. The only thing you can do is not resizing before loading the profile and resizie then (that involves going back 2 steps :(

Why are you hiding the optimal settings?

Do you suspect a conspiracy? Potentially every film has it's own optimal setting and so every ripper has to run his proper tests for the movie at hand. I'll try to publish new findings which potentially could increase quality as time passes and we all learn even more about the tool.

Why are some scenes always a bit blocky

There's a common problem in DivX which even SBC can't completely eliminate: noisy source material results in block no matter what the bitrate. The only thing which might potentially help is using some anti-noise or smoothing filter. Many movie studios use these filters before encoding to MPEG-2 (spares them tweaking during encoding since the less noise the better it compressed).

What settings to use for 2CDs?

Set the motion detection silder for fast motion up to 300 and use much lower DRF settings. The rest is up to you.

What about VKI?

The program does that by default. And in fact you should install the regular DivX codecs, not the VKI hacks. And the keyframe interval you set is a maximum interval without a keyframe. Usually the scene change detector will kick in earlier so this setting only comes in to play in extreme cases.

How can I easily test new settings?

Make the first pass (the entire first pass.. not only a part of the movie), then go to the scene which didn't look good in your first try and encode only this scene again. Play around with the DRF settings and the gauge settings until you're satisfied, then encode the whole movie using these settings.

What do the values in the debug log stand for?

Here's a sample line:

00011466 1747.23110870 [1112] df:010923, 02104 bytes, 4x (3.86x), R:0589, M:131, BR:39.31% (38.63%), D: -0.07Mb, L: 1.06

And here's what it stands for: 02104 bytes is the size of the compressed frame, 4x the compression level of the current frame, the (3.86x) value the average compression level for the whole movie, R is the current Bitrate, M the amount of motion in the current frame, BR the bit reservoir level (the number in brackets is the average), D the deviation of the size from the average, df stands for delta frame (in case of a keyframe this would be kf) and the number behind it is the current frame number and last but not least L is the chroma level. 1.06 means the luma component of the frame is slightly higher than the chroma component. If you get a plus (+) sign after the BR this means that the bitrate had to be increased for the gauge to stay above the min given in your setup.

If you're really patient you can perfectly analyze your encoding session ;)
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