주말에는 하얀 배경이 일품인 파고를 보세요


주말에는 하얀 배경이 일품인 파고를 보세요

1 정경식 1 3681 1
작은 일도

아주 큰일이 될 수 있다...

호미로 막을 걸 가래로 막는다...

과욕은 패망이다...

등등... 적어도 가까운 사람에게 항상 잘 하라는 교훈을 주는 영화...


실제사건을 다룬 영화이다.

영화의 초반부터 단순 납치사건으로 출발했던


갑자기 살인사건으로 바뀌어 버리는 결정적인 장면....

파고는 하얀 영화다. 그 안에 피가 뿌려지는 ....

파고의 특징은 기존의 영화에 비해 영상미와 등장인물의

설정이 크게 드러나지 않는 차분함이다.

파고 - 그 결정적인 장면


Carl drives. Grimsrud smokes and gazes out the window. From the back seat we hear whimpering.

Grimsrud turns to look.

Jean lies bound and curled on the back seat underneath a tarpaulin.

Shut the fuck up or I'll throw you back in the trunk, you know.

Geez. That's more'n I've heard you say all week.

Grimsrud stares at him, then turns back to the window.

At a loud WHOOP Carl starts and looks back out the rear window. Fifty yards behind a state trooper has turned on his gumballs.

Carl eases the car onto the shoulder.

Ah, shit, the tags...

Grimsrud looks at him.

... It's just the tags. I never put my tags on the car. Don't worry, I'll take care of this.

He looks into the back seat as the car bounces and slows on the gravel shoulder.

... Let's keep still back there, lady, or we're gonna have to, ya know, to shoot ya.

Grimsrud stares at Carl.

... Hey! I'll take care of this!

Both cars have stopped. Carl looks up at the rear-view mirror.

The trooper is stopped on the shoulder just behind them, writing in his citation book.

Carl watches.

We hear the trooper's door open.

The trooper walks up the shoulder, one hand resting lightly on top of his holster, his breath steaming in the cold night air.

Carl opens his window as the trooper draws up.

How can I help you, officer?

The trooper scans the inside of the car, taking his time.

Grimsrud smokes and gazes calmly out his window.


This is a new car, then, sir?

It certainly is, officer. Still got that smell!

You're required to display temporary tags, either in the plate area or taped inside the back window.

Certainly –

Can I see your license and registration please?


He reaches for his wallet.

... I was gonna tape up the temporary tag, ya know, to be in full compliance, but it, uh, it, uh ... must a slipped my mind...

He extends his wallet toward the trooper, a folded fifty-dollar bill protruding from it.

... So maybe the best thing would be to take care of that, right here in Brainerd.

What's this, sir?

That's my license and registration. I wanna be in compliance.

He forces a laugh.

... I was just thinking I could take care of it right here. In Brainerd.

The policeman thoughtfully pats the fifty into the billfold and hands the billfold back into the car.

Put that back in your pocket, please.

Carl's nervous smile fades.

... And step out of the car, please, sir.

Grimsrud, smiling thinly, shakes his head.

There is a whimpering sound.

The policeman hesitates.

Another sound.

The policeman leans forward into the car, listening.

Grimsrud reaches across Carl, grabs the trooper by the hair and slams his head down onto the car door.

The policeman grunts, digs awkwardly for footing outside and throws an arm for balance against the outside of the car.

With his free hand, Grimsrud pops the glove compartment. He brings a gun out and reaches across Carl and shoots – BANG – into the back of the trooper's head.

Jean screams.

Shut up.

He releases the policeman.

The policeman's head slides out the window and his body flops back onto the street.

Carl looks out at the cop in the road.

Whoa... Whoa, Daddy.

Grimsrud takes the trooper's hat off of Carl's lap and sails it out the open window.

You'll take care of it. Boy, you are smooth smooth, you know.

Whoa, Daddy.

Jean, for some reason, screams again. Then stops.

Clear him off the road.


He gets out.


Carl leans down to hoist up the body.

Headlights appear: an oncoming car.


Grimsrud notices.


The car approaches, slowing.

Carl, with the trooper's body hoisted halfway up, is frozen in the headlights.

The car accelerates and roars past and away. We just make out the silhouettes of two occupants in front.


Grimsrud slides into the driver's seat. He squeals into a U-turn, the driver's door slamming shut with his spin.

Small red tail lights fishtail up ahead. The pursued car churns up fine snow.

Grimsrud takes the cigarette from his mouth and stubs it in his ashtray. We hear the churning of the car wheels and the pinging of snow clods and salt on the car's underside.

In the back seat, Jean starts screaming.

Grimsrud is not gaining on the tail lights.

He fights with the wheel as his car swims on the road face.

The red tail lights ahead start to turn. With a distant crunching sound, they disappear.

The headlights now show only empty road, starting to turn.

Grimsrud frowns and slows.

His headlights show the car up ahead off the road, crumpled around a telephone pole, having failed to hold a turn.

Grimsrud brakes.

Jean slides off the back seat and thumps into the legwell.

Grimsrud sweeps his gun off the front seat, throws open his door and gets out.


The wrecked car's headlights shine off into a snowfield abutting the highway. A young man in a down parka is limping across the snowfield, away from the wrecked car.

Grimsrud strides calmly out after the injured boy. He raises his gun and fires.

With a poof of feathers, a hole opens up in the boy's back and he pitches into the snow.

Grimsrud walks up to the wreck and peers in its half-open door.

A young woman is trapped inside the twisted wreckage, injured.

Snow swirls in the headlights of the wreck.

Grimsrud raises his gun and fires.

영화 보며 영어 공부하시라고

뮤란의 결정적 장면도 이곳에 올림... http://www.cudream.com/mulan.htm
[이 게시물은 再會님에 의해 2015-01-26 16:24:49 씨네씬에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 再會님에 의해 2015-10-06 16:02:06 추천영화에서 이동 됨]
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