미국의 영화평론가 조너선 로젠봄이 꼽은 Essential 100입니다.


미국의 영화평론가 조너선 로젠봄이 꼽은 Essential 100입니다.

2 동백림에는언 3 4223 3
연대기 순으로 나열되어있습니다. 

Le Tunnel sous la Manche (Melies) 
Les Vampires (Feuillade) 
Tih Minh (Feuillade) 
Foolish Wives (Stroheim) 
Greed (Stroheim) 
Die Nibelungen (Lang) 
Sunrise (Murnau) 
The Docks of New York (Sternberg) 
Spione (Lang) 
Arsenal (Dovzhenko) 
Lonesome (Fejos) 
City Lights (Chaplin) 
M (Lang) 
La Nuit du Carrefour (Renoir) 
Ivan (Dovzhenko) 
I Was Born, but.. (Ozu) 
Love Me Tonight (Mamoulian) 
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum (Milestone) 
Sylvia Scarlett (Cukor) 
Make way for Tomorrow (McCarey) 
La Regle du Jeu (Renoir) 
Story of the Late Chrysanthemums (Mizoguchi) 
Christmas in July (Sturges) 
Citizen Kane (Welles) 
The Magnificent Ambersons (Welles) 
Day of Wrath (Dreyer) 
Heaven Can Wait (Lubitsch) 
The Seventh Victim (Robson) 
Ivan the Terrible 1+2 (Eisenstein) 
The Best Years of Our Lives (Wyler) 
Monsieur Verdoux (Chaplin) 
Spring in a Small Town (Fei Mu) 
Stars in my Crown (Tourneur) 
The Steel Helmet (Fuller) 
The Big Sky (Hawks) 
Othello (Welles) 
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Hawks) 
The Naked Spur (Mann) 
The Sun Shines Bright (Ford) 
Johnny Guitar (N.Ray) 
Rear Window (Hitchcock) 
The Saga of Anatahan (Sternberg) 
Sansho the Bailiff (Mizoguchi) 
Track of the Cat (Wellman) 
Ordet (Dreyer) 
Guys and Dolls (Mankiewicz) 
The Killing (Kubrick) 
A Man Escaped (Bresson) 
India (Rossellini) 
Breathless (Godard) 
Hiroshima mon Amour (Resnais) 
Rio Bravo (Hawks) 
The Tiger of Eschnapur/The Indian Tomb (Lang) 
Cloud-Capped Star (Ghatak) 
Shadows (Cassavetes) 
Last Year at Marienbad (Resnais) 
A Wife Confesses (Masumura) 
Eclipse (Antonioni) 
The House is Black (Farrokhzad) 
Gertrud (Dreyer) 
Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson) 
Black Girl (Sembene) 
Playtime (Tati) 
The Young Girls of Rochefort (Demy) 
L'Amour Fou (Rivette) 
Out 1 (Rivette) 
La Région Centrale (Snow) 
Avanti (Wilder) 
Out 1:Spectre (Rivette) 
F for Fake (Welles) 
Parade (Tati) 
Celine and Julie go Boating (Rivette) 
Barry Lyndon (Kubrick) 
Providence (Resnais) 
Doomed Love (Oliveira) 
Perceval le Gallois (Rohmer) 
Stalker (Tarkovsky) 
Orderly or Disorderly (Kiarostami) 
Too Early, Too Late (Straub, Huillet) 
Love Streams (Cassavetes) 
Manuel on the Island of Wonders (Ruiz) 
Mix-Up (Romand) 
Mélo (Resnais) 
Where is the Friend's House? (Kiarostami) 
Yeelen (Cissé) 
Distant Voices, Still Lives (Davies) 
A Tale of the Wind (Ivens) 
The Asthenic Syndrome (Muratova) 
Close-up (Kiarostami) 
Nouvelle Vague (Godard) 
Actress (Kwan) 
A Brighter Summer Day (Yang) 
The Puppetmaster (Hou) 
Satantango (Tarr) 
Dead Man (Jarmusch) 
When it Rains (Burnett) 
Inquiétude (Oliveira) 
The Wind will Carry Us (Kiarostami) 
Platform (Jia Zhangke) 
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (Spielberg)

Auteurs with multiple entires include: Feuillade, Stroheim, Lang (4), Sternberg, Chaplin, Renoir, Mizoguchi, Welles (4), Dreyer (3), Hawks (3), Kubrick, Bresson, Resnais (4), Cassavetes, Godard, Tati, Rivette (4), Oliveira, Kiarostami (3)

[이 게시물은 再會님에 의해 2015-10-06 15:51:44 영화 탑 10에서 이동 됨]
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어떡하죠.. 제가 본 영화가 M,  Citizen Kane, Othello, A.I. 밖에 없네요. 영화 꽤 봤다고 생각하고 있었는데.. 갈길이 너무 멀군요..
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