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      Sicario: Day of the Soldado

      R Released Jun 29, 2018 2 hr. 2 min. Mystery & Thriller Action Crime Drama TRAILER for Sicario 2: Soldado: Trailer 2 List
      62% 290 Reviews Tomatometer 65% 5,000+ Ratings Audience Score FBI agent Matt Graver calls on mysterious operative Alejandro Gillick when Mexican drug cartels start to smuggle terrorists across the U.S. border. The war escalates even further when Alejandro kidnaps a top kingpin's daughter to deliberately increase the tensions. When the young girl is seen as collateral damage, the two men will determine her fate as they question everything that they are fighting for. Read More Read Less Watch on Fandango at Home Premiered Mar 05 Buy Now

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      Sicario: Day of the Soldado

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      Sicario: Day of the Soldado

      What to Know

      Critics Consensus

      Though less subversive than its predecessor, Sicario: Day of the Soldado succeeds as a stylish, dynamic thriller -- even if its amoral machismo makes for grim viewing.

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      Jason H Better than the first movie, but mainly because it builds nicely on the established characters of the first one. The directing style is a little more controlled and beautiful in Day of the Soldado. More importantly, the story is excellent and the acting/action is about as good as it gets. This movie will age very well as time moves on. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 04/28/24 Full Review BrandNewLogic C Intensely gripping and unapologetically violent, "Sicario: Day of the Soldado" stands as a commendable entry in the Sicario anthology. While it may not quite reach the heights of its predecessor, it undeniably demands attention and warrants a viewing. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 04/28/24 Full Review mike R I feel like the movie had potential, but as others have mentioned, some of the storylines were a bit far-fetched, or not making much sense WHY they were even linked in to begin with. Such a shame. But what REALLY got my chaps in a hide, and this is a spoiler alert so stop reading if you're about to watch the movie, is that Alejandro (Del Toro) should have been dead! They pulled the age-old, tired, lazy stunt of him NOT actually being dead after getting shot point blank in the head. I mean come on had way more effect knowing he had been executed. Instead, well, nothing I need to explain. You get the gist. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 04/20/24 Full Review Brendan N On a standalone basis it was a fine movie, but it felt like a poor impression of the first one. And it really makes you realize what a genius Villenueve is. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 03/10/24 Full Review D E I really enjoyed the film. It was gritty and a great story. I am hoping the rumors of a 3rd and final film with Emily blunt back happens to complete the story as it's just asking to be made. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/09/24 Full Review Giuseppe S "Soldado", la tanto attesa collaborazione tra il maestro della sceneggiatura Taylor Sheridan e il regista italiano Stefano Sollima, si presenta come un'occasione mancata di esplorare le profondità tematiche del suo illustre predecessore "Sicario". Pur mantenendo una certa godibilità, il film delude per la sua incapacità di raggiungere le altezze narrative e l'impatto emotivo del primo capitolo. Il potenziale di Sheridan e Sollima era palpabile sin dalle prime scene, soprattutto con l'attentato terroristico nel supermercato, una sequenza magistralmente orchestrata che prometteva tensione e drammaticità. Tuttavia, questo fulgore iniziale si disperde rapidamente nel corso del film, lasciando il pubblico con un amaro retrogusto di opportunità sprecate. Uno dei punti critici del film è la mancanza di approfondimento nel tema dell'immigrazione, un aspetto che, data l'attualità e la complessità della questione, avrebbe potuto aggiungere profondità e rilevanza al racconto. Invece, "Soldado" si accontenta di scivolare nella banale correlazione "immigrazione=terrorismo", una semplificazione che riduce la complessità del problema e manca l'occasione di offrire una riflessione più articolata e profonda sulle dinamiche sociopolitiche. Nonostante il cast eccezionale messo in campo, composto da talenti del calibro di Josh Brolin e Benicio Del Toro, il film non riesce a offrire lo stesso impatto e coinvolgimento emozionale che caratterizzava il duo protagonista di "Sicario". La chimica tra i personaggi di Graver e Gillick, così vitale nel primo film, sembra forzata e priva della stessa autenticità, lasciando uno spettatore con la sensazione di assistere a una riproduzione sbiadita di dinamiche precedentemente ben sviluppate. Inevitabilmente, il confronto con "Sicario" di Denis Villeneuve emerge impietoso. Mentre il primo film si distingueva per la sua complessità morale, la tensione implacabile e una rappresentazione accurata dei dilemmi etici nel contesto della guerra al narcotraffico, "Soldado" risulta scontato e privo di quella profondità che aveva reso il suo predecessore un capolavoro moderno. In conclusione, "Soldado" si configura come un capitolo che, nonostante alcune sequenze ben realizzate, manca il bersaglio nell'esplorare le sfumature della sua trama e dei personaggi. Una delusione che palesa la difficoltà di replicare il successo e l'impatto di un originale che rimane insuperato nel panorama cinematografico contemporaneo. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/04/24 Full Review Read all reviews Post a rating

      Cast & Crew

      Sicario: Day of the Soldado

      Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - War on Everyone Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - War on Everyone 2:17 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Police Escort Shootout Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Police Escort Shootout 4:04 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - A Single Grenade Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - A Single Grenade 3:39 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Night Raid Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Night Raid 1:50 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Racing to the Border Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Racing to the Border 3:32 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Border Bombing Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Border Bombing 2:07 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - The End of Alejandro Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - The End of Alejandro 3:24 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - No Rules Today Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - No Rules Today 3:15 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Avenging Alejandro Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Avenging Alejandro 2:16 Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Cartel Kidnapping Sicario: Day of the Soldado: Official Clip - Cartel Kidnapping 1:50 View more videos
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      Critics Reviews

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      J. R. Jones Chicago Reader A hard-charging sequel that's equal parts anti-immigrant hysteria and gun-death porn. Mar 4, 2020 Full Review Peter Rainer FilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles) It's engrossing in a very direct action way... [But] there are enough hot button issues floating around in this movie that I was hoping for something more than just a glorified "blow things up real big" action [movie]. Dec 14, 2019 Full Review tt stern-enzi WXIX-TV (Cincinnati, OH) Benicio Del Toro is incredible, the story is gripping, it is different then the first film. Mar 4, 2019 Full Review David Nusair Reel Film Reviews This series’ continuing ineffectiveness is particularly disappointing given its vast assortment of overtly positive attributes... Rated: 2/4 Oct 29, 2023 Full Review Keith Garlington Keith & the Movies “Day of the Soldado” is a strong, formidable second chapter of the “Sicario” series. Rated: 4.5/5 Aug 25, 2022 Full Review Brian Eggert Deep Focus Review Sheridan's story clips along at a steady pace, though he's writing from a might-means-right ideology that lends the film a certain bland and familiar machismo. Rated: 2.5/4 Mar 11, 2022 Full Review Read all reviews

      Movie Info

      Synopsis FBI agent Matt Graver calls on mysterious operative Alejandro Gillick when Mexican drug cartels start to smuggle terrorists across the U.S. border. The war escalates even further when Alejandro kidnaps a top kingpin's daughter to deliberately increase the tensions. When the young girl is seen as collateral damage, the two men will determine her fate as they question everything that they are fighting for.
      Stefano Sollima
      Executive Producer
      Ellen H. Schwartz, Richard Middleton, Erica Lee
      Taylor Sheridan
      Sony Pictures Entertainment, Columbia Pictures
      Production Co
      Thunder Road Pictures, Black Label Media
      R (Language|Bloody Images|Strong Violence)
      Mystery & Thriller, Action, Crime, Drama
      Original Language
      Release Date (Theaters)
      Jun 29, 2018, Wide
      Release Date (Streaming)
      Sep 18, 2018
      Box Office (Gross USA)
      Sound Mix
      Dolby Atmos
      Aspect Ratio
      Scope (2.35:1)
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